Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Innocence Of Simple Observation - 1750 Words

In particular, Krishnamurti emphasizes that â€Å"In all spiritual matters, there must be and should be no authority whatsoever – because you cannot be free, to investigate, to find out for yourself what meditation means if you are under the influence of an authority† (What is Meditation (Truth and Actuality) 1968). By the word investigate, he means observation. It is only in the process of observation that we can learn the reality of what is. In the innocence of simple observation there can be no judgement or holding to anything that is seen. In pure observation which Krishnamurti also terms as â€Å"choiceless awareness† (Beyond Myth and Tradition Series 1997) he suggests that when we have brought the past into the now and the end of that past is†¦show more content†¦The double-slit experiment demonstrates that the observation of a system will alter the final product to be particles or waves – if no observation takes place a wave pattern is reve aled; if observation takes place these same objects exhibit the behavior of point particles. When fully matured observation of the movement of life increases our level of awareness and perception which allows for the natural transcending of the senses and the intellectual mind to bring us to the direct experience of the Self which is always in the transcendent. In the transcendent we realize that the observer has become the observed, the two are united in One, the Self. According to Krishnamurti, to transcend is by â€Å"choiceless awareness† (Beyond Myth and Tradition Series 1997) which allows the mind to be free of all its total content so that we â€Å"empty the known and from that emptiness†¦is something most holy, which is the whole movement of meditation, then life then has a totally different meaning† (What is Meditation (Truth and Actuality) 1968). What Krishnamurti appears to be suggesting is that to live in a permanent state of transcendence there is n o need to study books on self-improvement or to self-program one’s self or be confined within the practice of regular meditation for the transcendent power of innocent observation is enough to unite us with the Self. Observation, according to Krishnamurti

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