Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Importance Of Interpersonal Communication - 1316 Words

Communication is vital to the survival of humanity. Without communication, people tend towards insanity, desperately craving human interaction. Yet many, including myself, are uninterested in learning the ways of communication: how it works, how to communicate well, and how to listen well. Interpersonal communication is â€Å"†¦a transactional process involving participants who occupy different environments and create meaning and relationships through the exchange of messages,† (Adler 12). Communication skills are vital in any relationship or work environment; however, communication has many underlying and hidden factors affect the quality of interactions. Learning the mechanics of interpersonal communications increases job success, improves†¦show more content†¦It is a necessary skill, especially in long-term relationships. Without revealing anythin pertinent about oneself, others become uninterested and stop pursuing the relationship. However, self-disclosure i s not always appropriate. Approaching ones boss telling him or her how horrible of a boss they are will quickly cause one to no longer have a job. Self-disclosure can still be incredibly useful; I have used self-disclosure in my relationships in order to build deep relationships that provide a necessary support system for myself. In this way, self-disclosure benefits both myself and my friends, enabling both parties to live well-supported by others. In addition, self-disclosure both directly and indirectly shapes what we believe to be true about ourselves, known as our self-concept. Self-concept is one of the foundations of humanity. Self-concept is who people believe themselves to be (Adler 63). Without the existence of self-concept, individual people cease to exist; self-concept creates the variety of personalities seen throughout all of humanity. Ones culture and the family environment...constitute the most important structuring factor of... personality, claims behavioral scienti st Gabriela Iorgulescu. Self-concept exists in every person due to their individual circumstances and confidence in ones self-concept leads to better self-esteem and a more productive life. However, it is wise to be careful about what weShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Interpersonal Communication1186 Words   |  5 Pages------------------------------------------------- The Impact of Interpersonal Communication for Startup Business in TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITY ------------------------------------------------- English for Academic Purpose Naimy Zam Zam / Corporate Communication / 13.013 Abstract This research proposal contains the analysis about interpersonal communication in startup business The Impact of Interpersonal Communication in Startup Businesses Introduction These days, there are so many startupRead MoreImportance Of Interpersonal Communication996 Words   |  4 PagesTaking this Interpersonal Communication course has opened my eyes to the importance of effective communication as it relates to relationships. The information that I’ve learned has inspired me to take a deeper look into how I communicate with my husband. It has also provided an understanding regarding the differences in how he and I communicate. The communication style that I use is expressive, the style he uses is instrumental. He also interprets communication different than myself. I ve also noticedRead MoreThe Importance Of Interpersonal Communication1480 Words   |  6 PagesSince this process is ongoing and always changing, when we enter an interpersonal communication exchange, we are entering an event with no definable beginning or ending, and one that is irreversible. An important piece of interpersonal communication to consider is that the words said to on e another are final and cannot be simply â€Å"taken back†. This is known as the principle of irreversibility which means that what we say to others cannot be reversed. Unfortunately, life does not come with a remoteRead MoreThe Importance Of Interpersonal Communication1741 Words   |  7 Pages(2013) defines interpersonal communication as â€Å"person-to-person conversation; it’s an exchange that occurs through dialogue between two people or through discussion among several, with participation by everyone involved.† (p. 134). Because interpersonal communication involves two or more individuals, it stands vital for manager to hold the skill of listening. It is this authors supposition that if a manager is willing to make a conscious effort to improve this major communication skill, then theirRead MoreImportance Of Interpersonal Communication1539 Words   |  7 Pages Interpersonal communication is a face-to-face interaction, something we all do in our daily li ves. Even though everyone communicates, we all do it differently and at different degrees of experiences. Not everyone will be perfectionists at communicating and socializing, but there is always room for improvement to slowly build your way up and become more efficient and competent. If you are anything like me, I consider myself an advanced communicator under certain circumstances. I tend to communicateRead MoreThe Importance Of Interpersonal Communication1038 Words   |  5 PagesInterpersonal communication can be seen everywhere is vas locations, and is needed for relationships and the idea of yourself. In life, communication becomes very vital in continuing and maintaining these relationships, and having the ability at a competent level is a necessity.   When it comes to communication you’re either good at it or not as good, but there is always room for improvement. Interpersonal communication skills are learned behaviors that can be improved through knowledge, practi ceRead MoreThe Importance Of Interpersonal Communication1091 Words   |  5 PagesHave you ever taken into consideration how your intrapersonal communication has an impact on your interpersonal communication? Our interpersonal communication is communication that strives us to create and maintain relationships with others in our life. My interpersonal communication is solely based on my self-concept, self-image, how I perceive myself, my bad and good qualities, and my non-verbal communication. My expectations about myself or my self-concept influences how I communicate with othersRead MoreThe Importance Of Interpersonal Communication1032 Words   |  5 PagesCommunication is the behaviours, whether they be verbal or non-verbal, that one individual perceives from another (Judith Dwyer, 2016). The efficient communication between a sender and receiver plays a crucial role between organisations and personal use as it allows us as communicators, to comprehend the fundamentals and processes which flow from the sender, to the receiver to ensure a dynamic and clear communication is achieved. Effective communication plays a crucial role in the delivering of messagesRead MoreThe Importance of Studying Interpersonal Communication913 Words   |  4 PagesInterpersonal communication is an important day-to-day life skill that many people may go their entire life without formally learning about. Interpersonal communication is the communication between two or more people who are sendin g and receiving verbal or nonverbal language back and forth. The opportunity to study it at a college level is very important in that it can give you a more refined insight into how it works without needing to breeze over or amend certain segments for the audience. WithoutRead MoreThe Art Of Communication : The Importance Of Interpersonal Communication1933 Words   |  8 Pagesaudiences. Thru these spectators, we become reliant on each other, to unfold the world around us. We all learn the art of communication through an overlapping set of conceptual elements. It’s a story as old as time; as our existence evolves, so does the way we communicate. Hence the ever-growing grey area of rhetoric and its tendency of it turning 50 shades darker. Since, communication is a multifaceted process, there are bound to be breakdowns along the way. Specifically, how an individual chooses

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Civil War Was The Freedom Of African Americans

Admittedly -------------. argued that yes slavery may have been apart of what caused the civil war but, it was only a small portion of what was the bigger picture. However, issues of the economy, sectional division, and moral oppression upon slaves was essentially a key role. Hence the primary cause for the civil war was the freedom of African Americans. During the early 19th century, the United States experienced very huge cultural changes as well as facing various â€Å"political crisis†. The feeling of nationalism no longer existed within the country, sectionalism became a major issue not only in American society but, within its government and it’s political parties. Rather than identifying as a nation, a whole, various parts of the†¦show more content†¦The Erie Canal constructed in 1825 linked Lake Erie with the Hudson River in Albany, this then connected to the Atlantic Ocean. With access to the Atlantic Ocean the U.S could then trade with foreign countries. As these new developments occurred the distinct sections of the country grew further apart. The north took on the industrial way of life, large cities emerged as more people began to migrate to the U.S. as well as within it. The population continuously increase,this part of the country appeared to be crowded. The north seemed to be doing well with its new practices, on the other hand the south was developing quite differently. The geography of the south allowed a different type of development, really the continuance of the traditional farming/plantation systems, though, the south did take on new developments in technology . Production of these plantations require the use of African American slaves, these slaves maintain the fields and help to produce staple crops that were essential to their economy, cash crops like tobacco, and â€Å"King cotton† helped to shape southern society. Around 1793 when slavery was starting to die out the cotton gin was created, this changed the game for plantation/slave owners. Invented by Eli Whitney, the cotton gin separated seeds f rom the cotton, this crop became very popular and slavery more than doubled. After that, slavery stayed persistent in the south even though various parts of the country had abolished, or prohibited

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Preventive Policing Strategies Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Preventive Policing Strategies. Answer: Introduction Preventive Policing Strategies are developed for preventing and reducing large-scale crime rate in the community Krsi et al. (2016). There are several types of preventive policing strategies, which serve different types of crime prevention methods within the community. This study will critically analyze different types of preventive policing strategies citing their examples. Apart from that, the study will also discuss the strength and weakness of these strategies and demonstrate their impact on the community. Furthermore, the study will also discuss the side effects of these policing strategies. Discussion Law enforcement agencies have implemented several strategies and methods for combating with crime and ensuring public safety. Policing strategies have gone far beyond just responding to calls and service. Preventive policing strategies are now more concerned with seeking increasing crime prevention, intervention and response to crime prevention like community outreach, crime mapping, efficient resource distribution, suspect location, crime data collection and many more. According to Sherman et al. (2014), the focus of preventive policing strategies is to reduce and deter the crime and criminal behavior in partnership with the community. Different preventive strategies are effective in different situations for preventing crime in the community through protecting it from external threats. On the other hand, Buerger and Mazerolle (1998) opined that resources used in the crime prevention strategies may be different, but the goal of the strategies is unique and directed towards major crim e prevention in the community. Hotspot policing strategy is actually invented by majority of U.S Police departments. Later, it has been adopted by several other countries including Australia. According to Desmond and Valdez (2013), hotspot policing strategy is actually used on small geographical areas, where crime rate is concentrated. Moreover, such police preventive strategies are actually in urban areas, where crime rate is highly frequent. On the other hand, Weisburd and Telep (2014) opined that hotspot preventive strategies are mostly used in the small geographical areas, where the crime rate is highly predictable and frequent, which is at least over a one period (pp. 200-220). In this strategy, the law enforcement agencies are focused on limiting the police resources in the areas, where the frequency of crime rate is quite higher. As per, Braga, Papachristos and Hureau (2014) the appeal of hotspot strategy relies on reduction of overall crime rate of city through focusing on small hotspot areas. Furthermore, this preventive strategy also uses various forms of crime mapping for identifying the crime towards effective prevention. While considering the example of hotspot policing strategy, it can be seen that hotspot policing strategy is mainly used in Drug Market Intervention of Australia for preventing drug usage and sell in some specific areas. Hotspot prevention strategy is used for improving the quality of life of the community through reducing the rate of crime occurrence in a small geographical area. According to Gill et al. (2014), hotspot policing uses advance software technology for predicting the crime to be occurred. Furthermore, this strategy is also popular for digging deeper of the crime for finding accurate solution for crime prevention. However, Camacho, Lee and Smith (2016) opined that hotspot prevention strategy is only limited to small geographical area. Therefore, it cannot solve the bigger crime issue for large geographical areas. Furthermore, the limited resources of hotspot strategy may also hamper the crime prevention effectiveness of specific area. Zero Tolerance policing is strict non-discretionary law enforcement approach, which is thought to be tough on crime. Under this police preventive approach, the police enforce every aspect of law. According to Davis (2013), zero tolerance policy is the police preventive strategy, which imposes strict punishment upon infraction of stated rules. The intension of this law is to eliminate undesirable conduct from the community. On the other hand, Bornstein (2015) opined that zero tolerance policy forbid the person having authority to change the punishment for the crime for fitting circumstances subjectively. Moreover, this preventive strategy pays closer attention to the minor offences for enhancing the quality of life of the community people. Such minor offences are like graffiti, public drinking, drink driving, vagrancy, begging and many more. While considering the example of zero tolerance policy, it has been found that the police force of Australia uses zero tolerance preventive strat egy for preventing the drink driving in South Australia. Zero tolerance policing always enhance the quality of the people in the community through minimizing even the minor offence. According to Davis (2013), zero tolerance policy is highly effective for preventing even minor offenses, which can later be taken the shape of large crime. Moreover, this strategy is popular for its protection to the potentiality of large-scale crime. However, Bornstein (2015) opined that zero tolerance policing strategy has nothing to prevent the large-scale crime. Therefore, it is limited to protect the community from large-scale crime. Furthermore, this policing preventive strategy has also some side effects, which can affect the community people. Moreover, punishing the people even for minor offense can enhance their anger level, which can in turn enhance their tendency to conduct large-scale crime. Problem-oriented policing involves identification and analysis of specific crime and disorder problems for developing specific response strategies. According to Corsaro, Brunson and McGarrell (2013), police force uses problem-oriented policing for proactively identifying the underlying problems towards reducing the crime and disorders from their roots. The police forces are expected to analyze the specific problem of the community systematically and search for resolving the problem completely by analyzing the impact of the efforts. On the other hand, Cameron (1990) opined that problem-oriented policing majorly focuses on identification for repeatedly occurring incidents in the community and resolving that repeatedly occurring crime in the community (pp. 477-512). While considering the example of problem-oriented policing, it can be seen that the police force of Australia uses problem-oriented policing strategy for responding to the complaints of illegal drug use and sales on a regula r basis in Australia. Problem-oriented policing strategy effectively builds police community relation through involving the community in finding the repeatedly occurring crime. This police preventive strategy actually provides long lasting and improves quality for the community people through resolving a specific repeatedly occurring crime. According to Corsaro, Brunson and McGarrell (2013), Problem-oriented policing strategy is extremely popular in the community because of its ability towards resolving the repeatedly occurring crime from its root. This strategy is also advantageous for accurately identifying the pattern a specific crime and providing best solution to its. However, Mazerolle, Darroch and White (2013) opined that Problem-oriented policing strategy is limited to identify the root of the repeatedly occurring crime, if the crime is displaced from one region to other. Moreover, the police forces are generally reluctant to identify the crime within their region. However, they are reluctant to i ndentify the crime, when it is displaced to another region. Furthermore, problem-oriented policing strategy is also limited to deal with minor crimes in the community. While considering the side effect of this preventive strategy, it can create unnecessary threats within community people even if there is actually no crime at all. Predictive policing preventive strategy involves usage of mathematical, analytical and predictive techniques in law enforcement towards identifying potential criminal activities. Mohler et al. (2015) pointed out that Predictive policing uses innovative approach of preventing crime before it starts. The method of predictive strategy incorporates both small-scale and large-scale crime in the community. According to Choi and Lee (2016), predictive strategy mostly uses crime mapping tool for assessing the potentiality of the crime to be occurred in the community. Moreover, crime mapping needs some historical data related to the potential crime. In such situation, the police force can collected such crime information from the community people, which build the interdependence relation between the police and community. While considering the example of Predictive policing preventive strategy, it can be seen that Australian police force mostly uses this strategy for identifying the location o f the criminals through using crime mapping. Mohler et al. (2015) stated that predictive policing is highly popular for its ability to prevent the crime before in occur and protect the community from large-scale disruption. However, Choi and Lee (2016) argued that predictive policing can perform wrong crime mapping on collection of insufficient information related to the potential crime. While considering the side effect of predictive policing, it can be seen that blaming people based on wrong crime mapping can disappoint the suspected people in the community. Conclusion While concluding the study, it can be said that policing preventive strategies are framed to prevent the crime rate in the community. Hotspot policing strategy is focused on small geographical areas towards preventing the crime rate. On the other hand, zero-tolerance policing focuses on preventing minor offense towards protecting the community from large-scale crime. However, this policy has nothing to do with large-scale crime of the community. Furthermore, problem oriented policing identifies the underlying causes of the repeatedly occurring crime in the community. Moreover, this strategy resolves the crime from its roots. However, displacement of the crime can reduce the effectiveness of this strategy. References Bornstein, A., 2015. Institutional Racism, Numbers Management, and Zero?Tolerance Policing in New York City.North American Dialogue,18(2), pp.51-62. Braga, A.A., Papachristos, A.V. and Hureau, D.M., 2014. The effects of hot spots policing on crime: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis.Justice Quarterly,31(4), pp.633-663. Buerger, M.E. and Mazerolle, L.G., 1998. Third-party policing: A theoretical analysis of an emerging trend.Justice quarterly,15(2), pp.301-327. Camacho, A., Lee, H.R.L. and Smith, L.M., 2016. Modelling policing strategies for departments with limited resources.European Journal of Applied Mathematics,27(3), pp.479-501. Cameron, N., 1990, March. The police and crime control: Effectiveness, community policing, and legal change. InCriminal Law Forum1(3), pp. 477-512). Choi, K. and Lee, J.L., 2016. Citizen participation in community safety: a comparative study of community policing in South Korea and the UK.Policing and Society,26(2), pp.165-184. Corsaro, N., Brunson, R.K. and McGarrell, E.F., 2013. Problem-oriented policing and open-air drug markets: Examining the Rockford pulling levers deterrence strategy.Crime Delinquency,59(7), pp.1085-1107. Davis, D.E., 2013. Zero-tolerance policing, stealth real estate development, and the transformation of public space: Evidence from Mexico City.Latin American Perspectives,40(2), pp.53-76. Desmond, M. and Valdez, N., 2013. Unpolicing the urban poor: Consequences of third-party policing for inner-city women.American Sociological Review,78(1), pp.117-141. Gill, C., Weisburd, D., Telep, C.W., Vitter, Z. and Bennett, T., 2014. Community-oriented policing to reduce crime, disorder and fear and increase satisfaction and legitimacy among citizens: a systematic review.Journal of Experimental Criminology,10(4), pp.399-428. Krsi, A., Kerr, T., Taylor, C., Rhodes, T. and Shannon, K., 2016. They won't change it back in their heads that we're trash: the intersection of sex work?related stigma and evolving policing strategies.Sociology of health illness,38(7), pp.1137-1150. Mazerolle, L., Darroch, S. and White, G., 2013. Leadership in problem-oriented policing.Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies Management,36(3), pp.543-560. Mohler, G.O., Short, M.B., Malinowski, S., Johnson, M., Tita, G.E., Bertozzi, A.L. and Brantingham, P.J., 2015. Randomized controlled field trials of predictive policing.Journal of the American statistical association,110(512), pp.1399-1411. Sherman, L.W., Williams, S., Ariel, B., Strang, L.R., Wain, N., Slothower, M. and Norton, A., 2014. An integrated theory of hot spots patrol strategy: implementing prevention by scaling up and feeding back.Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice,30(2), pp.95-122. Weisburd, D. and Telep, C.W., 2014. Hot spots policing: What we know and what we need to know.Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice,30(2), pp.200-220.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Jonathan free essay sample

Imagine yourself a freshmen in high school beginning your independence. Since I was the oldest child, I was the first to begin exploring the worlds of dating, extra-curricular clubs and the upperclassmen. However one afternoon my parents sat my two sisters and me down. My parents, smiling at each other, proceeded to say, Girls, we have something to tell you. The next seven words would change me forever: We are going to have a baby. My mouth dropped and my emotions started to race. How could they do this? Arent they too old? What about me? This baby will take all their time. To my parents dismay my first reaction to their happy announcement was tears pity for myself. After the initial shock and brief phase of denial, I finally began to enjoy my moms pregnancy. It was fun trying to choose names for a girl or boy and placing my hand on my moms stomach anticipating the babys kick. We will write a custom essay sample on Jonathan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page During this time I even become closer with my mom. Then finally on the morning of Sept. 20, 1994, we were going to the hospital. Around 4:00 p.m. my mom went into heavy labor. All three of us were brought into the delivery room. The experience of being next to a woman while she is giving birth is not something every girl has. Im glad, though, that I was there, because the feeling I got when the doctor held the baby up and said it was a boy was something I would not have wanted to miss. As I held my brother I began to cry this time from the happiness and excitement of having a new baby brother, Jonathan. This baby has taught me many things in his two years of life. As an infant he taught me the responsibility it takes to care for a human being who is completely dependent on you. This baby is not a doll to be put on a shelf, he needs to be cared for 24 hours a day. As my brother grew older our means of entertaining him needed to constantly change. Usually he could only be entertained for five minutes tops, then it went onto something different. There is no debating that Jonathan has taught me how to make the most of my creativity. Together we would have the greatest adventures whether it was outside in the yard or under his bed covers. The most valuable thing my brother has taught me is how to love. Hes lucky enough to have a mom, dad, and three older sisters who love him very much, but the love that he returns is greater than all of ours put together. You can see it in his big blue eyes that lock onto yours when you come home from school. He is very generous with his little hugs and those quick little pecks on the cheek that make your heart melt. What Jonathan has taught me is that you feel much happier inside when you decide to love someone and do it whole heartedly.