Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Interrelation Between Foucauldian Concepts of Sexuality and Confession Essay

Interrelation Between Foucauldian Concepts of Sexuality and Confession - Essay Example Therefore, at the subconscious level of mind, the person learns through confession to acknowledge the social institutions (that boost up one another and that are interrelated with each other), in other words, the society as the power over his or her life, while learning to view body as an object that needs to be reigned carefully and to remain in continual vigilance. (Reich, 1966: 35-37) According to Foucault, how confession is related to sexuality essentially involves learning about the truth of human body or what Foucault calls the science of sexuality (‘scientia sexualis’). Indeed Foucault’s concepts of ‘confession and sexuality’ are indispensably interwoven with his â€Å"theory of social discipline† in the sense that his theory considers the physicality or the organic existence of body –a seat of needs and appetite- as a subject of politics and power. Foucault assumes that confession comprises â€Å"all those procedures by which th e subject is incited to produce a discourse of truth about his sexuality which is capable of having effects on the subject himself† (Foucault, 1980: 110). Confession produces subjectivity through the authority of speech about sex. Indeed confession and sexuality are related with each other through a power-subject relationship. (Tambling, 1990: 49) When sexuality represents body as a subject to power, confession plays a dual role in power mechanism. Not only has it provided power with the scope to exercise control over the body by informing power of the self-willed, honest and spontaneous truth about human body, but also it assists the confessor over the subject of confession, sex, by distancing it as an object to be discussed. Foucault believes that confession plays â€Å"a central role in the order of civil and religious powers†¦The truthful confession was inscribed at the heart of the procedures of individualization by power [and has become] one of the West’s mo st highly valued techniques for producing truth† (Foucault, 1990: 58). In the very first place, the obligation to confess itself is the sign of power’s influence on the individual, as Foucault writes about it: â€Å"the obligation to confess†¦is so deeply ingrained in us, that we no longer perceive it as the effect of a power that constrains us; on the contrary, it seems to use that truth, lodged in our most secret nature, ‘demands’ only to surface† (Foucault, 1990: 60). This urge of an individual to confess evolves his or her discomfort under the panoptic gaze of power. Smart (1995: 88) explains Foucault’s concept of panoptic as following: The Panopticon was to function as an apparatus of power by virtue of the field of visibility in which individuals were to be located, each in their respective places ... for a centralized and unseen observer. In this schema subjects were to be individualized in their own space, to be visible, and to be conscious of their potentiality constant and continuous visibility. (Foucault, 1975: 88) By confessing the confessor becomes affected in two ways: first, he or she becomes a part of power’s panoptic gaze, which imposes constant surveillance on sex, by internalizing it more; second, the confessor reaffirms his or her identity in term of power relations, since sex holds the truth of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Improve communication Essay Example for Free

Improve communication Essay The reason why Carly didn’t come to me earlier to report the project delays was because she knew the reasons of the delay were not genuine. She was definitely part of the problem and therefore she didn’t have the language of reporting the conflict that was affecting the team project. Also, since the rest of the team knew her weakness she knew if she reported the case to me I would involve the rest of the members thus exposing her weaknesses. Carly hasn’t had a conversation with Morris about their differences despite being the supervisor since she was aware of the root cause of the problem (herself). On the other hand, Morris did not break the ice and discuss the problem with Carly because he assumed that it was Carly’s responsibility as the manager to approach and solve all differences. Furthermore, it was clear to him too of Carly’s participation in the problem. He had also been treated unfairly by Carly and this made it difficult for him to approach Carly. Coupled with the fact that Morris was more educated than Carly, pride could not be ruled out. If Morris had had a conversation with Carly, he would have mentioned about his unfair treatment to her. I tend to think since the other team members knew that Carly was treating him unfairly, this would have been his motivator to mention of this problem. He knew he had support from the entire team. As for Carly, I bet she would have owned up to this problem and promise Morris of a fair treatment in their future interactions. After such a conversation she would have realized that she was losing a key team member and the other team members had observed it previously which would also affect the whole team thus portraying her as an incompetent manager. For Carly to have been given this role of a project manager meant she had positive leadership qualities and therefore would have owned up to her failures. Failure to accept her mistake would have left her as a lone ranger thus breaking the team spirit. The biggest problem with the way these team members interacted lied on communication breakdown and barriers. This is because it’s clear the other team member had noticed the dispute but no one had shared about it with me or even asked Carly or Morris. Teamwork was minimal in this team and this would have affected this project very adversely if not handled well and quickly. To break this communication barrier and improve communication, it would be beneficial for the team to encourage more frequent and effective upward, downward and team communication. With more communication, any arising problem would be handled well in advance before affecting the project negatively. I think Carly should continue serving as the project manager. This because having discussed the dispute openly, the parties would have understood the facts of the problem and hence allow them to see their areas of agreement, thus turning the conflict into new ideas of enhancing teamwork in the project.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mashua :: Botany

Mashua Mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pavà ³n 1802), also known as isanu, cubio, aà ±u, ysaà ±o, or puel, is a tuber crop indigenous to the Andean highlands and is of economic value as a food and medicinal crop. This root crop ranks fourth in importance in the Andean region after potato, oca, and ulloco (NRC, 1989). Of the Andean tubers, mashua is one of the highest yielding, easiest to grow, and the most frost resistant. Mashua is cultivated in the Andes of Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Columbia, and Venezuela (Gibbs et al., 1978). It is currently being grown experimentally in New Zealand and the Pacific Northwest to evaluate its potential for worldwide cultivation (Soria et al., 1998). The tubers of T. tuberosum are an important source of food for around 9 million people living at elevations of 2500 to 4000 m throughout the Andes mountains (King and Gershoff, 1987). Mashua is an annual, herbaceous climber that belongs to the family Tropaeolaceae which includes about 100 species. Tropaeolum tuberosum is closely related to the garden Nasturtium, Tropaeolum majus L. (Vaughn and Geissler, 1997). Tropaeolum tuberosum grows to over 1-1.5 m in diameter and 0.5-0.8 m high with slender and cylindrical aerial stems. Both erect and prostrate forms of mashua are known. Mashua has alternate, circular, peltate, 3- to 5-lobed leaves, and glaborous, twining stems that attach themselves to other plants by tactile petioles (NRC, 1989). The flowers are long-stalked, solitary, axial, bisexual. The color of the flowers range from dark yellow, orange, and scarlet. The fruit is a schizocarp with three indehiscent carpels that contain joined seeds lacking endosperm (NRC, 1989, Torres et al., 1992). The seeds are abundant and viable at maturity although since mashua is propagated asexually many asexual forms have arose which occasionally set seed. The tubers of Tropaeolum tuberosum are produced on axillary stolons which enlarge to form terminal, elongate tubers which are slightly roughened from enlarge scale leaves (Sperling and King, 1990). The tubers vary in color from white to yellow with occasional variants that are purple or red. They are often striped or mottled red or purple, especially underneath the eyes. The flesh of the tuber is yellow (NRC, 1989). History Mashua has been cultivated since ancient times and tubers are often found in archeological sites (NRC, 1989). Pre-Incan pictograms representing potato, ulluco, oca, and mashua have been found which show evidence the importance of these tubers even in those times (Hodge, 1946).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Overcoming Bullying: King Essay Response Essay

​Bullying is a common problem effecting people ever. You can be bullied on any number of things; sexuality, style, opinion, and personality, just to name a few. Everyone deals with bullying in their own way. Some choose to ignore bullying and some choose to confront their bully head on. There are also some people who tell someone older and more experienced about their problems. Some of these methods are the right things to do, while others are not the advisable choice. I believe that everyone can come up with a suitable solution to this problem that benefits everyone involved. ​The easiest solution to this problem is to ignore the bully and hope that eventually the bully will grow bored and stop. This is not a very effective method for two fairly obvious reasons; one being that the bully may just come up with even more hurtful things to bombard you with, and the other being that if the bully chooses to leave you alone, he/she will just find a new victim to taunt, which doesn’t really solve any problems. ​The next best thing to do would be to inform an adult of what is going on and hope that they will be able to put a stop to hit. This is also not the most advisable method to stopping a bully because it will just anger the bully further. They will resent you for getting them into trouble. They might decide not to attack you in the sight of an adult but the bullying will grow worse when the two of you are alone. That doesn’t solve any problems and can in fact make things a lot worse. There is also a chance that the bully may bring some of their friends into the mix, so if caught him/her are not the one that stands accused of being a bully. ​The smartest action to take when putting a stop to bullying would be to confront the bully face to face. I’m not advising that anyone should fight because all violence does is cause problems. When being bullied I find that is best to discuss any issues with the bully so that matters can be straightened out and leave ever y party satisfied with the outcome. In some situations the bully may not realize that their actions are causing hurt feelings. When you confront the bully on these issues you show them how they are being hurtful so in the future they know not to say these things again. In other situations you may find that the bully is also being bullied by someone else and that in bullying you they are making themselves feel better about their situations. In  confronting them you discover this and that might prompt you to extend the hand of friendship, which would no doubt offer them moral support throughout their own difficult situation. ​Other people may feel like dealing with bullying in their own way. Some people find it easier to ignore the problem and hope that it goes away and others may think that bringing and adult into the situation will help solve the problem. Not every case of bullying is the same and not every method may be appropriate when dealing with certain cases of bullying. I believe that discussing your problems with the bully is the best solution and I try to do just that when I feel s though I am being picked on. Discussing a problem produces a solution beneficial to everyone and it is the step I recommend for anyone who is dealing with a bully. I hope that everyone will make this decision when confronting a bully, because it is the best way put an end to bullying. If everyone discusses the problems they are having with someone straight away violence wouldn’t be such a big issue, and I’m not just talking about violence between teenagers but violence between nations. If issues would be cleared up straight away there would be no need for violence and everyone could just get along. I believe that one day, if everyone discusses their problems and issues everyone will get along, putting an end to this unnecessary hurt. ​ ​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Argument Against Universal Health Care in the Us Essay

Argument Against Universal Health Care in the Us BY shaker71493 Jacob Nieuwenhuis Contemporary Issues MSR 10 March 2010 Universal Health Care in the United States â€Å"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep. His cupidity may at some time point be satisfied; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. † -C. S. Lewis (1898 – 1963) The issue of universal health care taking over the present health care system has become a heated topic all over America. With President Obama’s promise to pass a bill that will give government coverage to all Americans, most people were happy that health care would become more affordable for them. But is this the case? There has been a stiff opposition to the passing of any bill of this kind throughout the entire process, but the longer a bill stays in circulation the more time people have to form an opinion on the issue. With the law in effect now the issue now turns to if this will e better off for America in the long run, and if there is any good to such a system. History has a lot to say about socialized medicine. There have been many countries, not only socialistic countries which have used a public method of offering medicine. A few of these countries are Great Britain, Canada, France, Australia, and also the European system. These systems will be analyzed from their ro ots up in order to see whether they were successes or failures. The National Health Service (NHS) of Great Britain, which was created on July 5, 1948, is the world’s largest publicly funded health service ever. As can be seen on the diagram, the NHS is divided into two sections: primary and secondary care. Primary care is the first point of contact for most people and is delivered by a wide range of independent service providers, including general practitioners, dentists, pharmacists and optometrists. Secondary care is known as acute healthcare and can be either elective care or emergency care. Elective care means planned specialist medical care or surgery, usually following referral from a primary or community health professional such as a general practitioner. In this system there are a lot of different trusts (refer to iagram). These trusts are where the money is sent for certain types of care. The main trusts are the Primary care trusts. Primary care trusts (PCTs) are in charge of primary care and have a major role around commissioning secondary care, providing community care services. They are the main core to the NHS and control 80% of the NHS budget. Green, did a report on the effects of preventive care in Great Britain for diseases such as circulatory disease and cancer. His main focus was on the circulatory system and the conclusion of his reports states that: â€Å"The main findings can be summarized as follows. The I-JK has a poor record of preventing death from diseases of the circulatory system. After allowing for the different age structure of each country in the European Union, the I-JK death rate from circulatory diseases for persons aged less than 65 was ranked thirteenth out of the 15 countries studied. † There are many negative aspects of the NHS. There are stunning reports of people who didn’t get care, or who waited for months in order to get prevented care. One example of a terrible thing that happened recently in Great Britain was a cancer patient who had to wait for 62 weeks before starting treatment. Patients were outraged by this. They said that for some cancer patients with slow growing tumors could wait that long but that it is atrocious that someone would have to wait that long to receive any type of care at all. It was compared side by side with a case from 20 years earlier, when Heather Goodare was diagnosed with the same problem and eceived treatment within two weeks after first being diagnosed. The European system has run into a lot of obstacles over the years, mostly financial. There is currently a 5 percent to 8 percent increase in expenses per year in real terms, resulting in enormous deficits and even greater problems when the rate of unemployment rises. When employment rates improve, the deficits are eased because more taxes come in to pay for care. But as soon as employment falls again (which is common everywhere right about now), deficits come back. A common method used for getting over this deficit is rationing care and restricting use of high ost preventive cares such as CAT scans. Sometimes this is only towards people who meet a certain criteria, e. g. the elderly. This can only be bad for the consumer. Michael Tanner sums this up nicely in his article condemning socialized medicine in the U. S. : â€Å"The Europeans have run into a very simple economic rule. If something is for it. Think of it this way: if food were free, would you eat hamburger or steak? At the same time, health care is a finite good. There are only so many doctors, so many hospital beds and so much technology. If people over consume those resources, it drives up the cost of health care. â€Å" All the countries in Europe have this health care system. There are, however, three countries in Europe that allow their citizens to opt out of the official system and to take with a tax credit for the money they paid to the official system, to purchase private insurance in the health market. These countries are Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. In those countries, citizens do not have to pay twice in order to acquire private health insurance. The systems of these three countries are important in that they may point the way to a solution for the current financial problems Western health care systems are experiencing. This private plan is more expensive but reachable for at least a third of the population. For the most part, people in Europe are happy with the health care they receive. In the Netherlands there is a basic plan that everyone can buy (it is not a government mandate). This covers things such as broken limbs, emergency room visits Oust the visit), and seeing general practitioners. On top of this, a person may buy whatever â€Å"premium add-ons they want. An example of an add-on is dental and orthodontic care. With this add-on all the people in the household of the insurance buyer receive ull dental care as well as braces for all the children of the family. Trudy Rubin, who is a Philadelphia Inquirer opinion columnist, says that the United States is not learning valuable lessons from the European system of healthcare. She addresses the three myths that she thinks are thought to be believed as fact. She takes these myths from an excerpt from T. R. Reid. The three myths are as follows: à ¢â‚¬Å"Myth No. 1, he says, is that foreign systems with universal coverage are all â€Å"socialized medicine. † In countries such as France, Germany, Switzerland, and Japan, the coverage is universal while doctors and insurers are private. Individuals get their insurance through their workplace, sharing the premium with their employer as we do – and the government picks up the premium if they lose their Job. Myth No. 2, which is long waits and rationed care – is another whopper. â€Å"In many developed countries,† Reid writes, â€Å"people have quicker access to care and more choice than Americans do. † In France, Germany, and Japan, you can pick any provider or hospital in the country. Care is speedy and high quality, and no one is turned down. Myth No. 3 really grabs my attention: the delusion that countries with universal care â€Å"are wasteful systems run y bloated bureaucracies. † In fact, the opposite is true. America’s for-profit health insurance companies have the highest administrative costs of any developed country. Twenty percent or more of every premium dollar goes to nonmedical costs: paperwork, marketing, profits, etc. â€Å"If a profit is to be made, you need a n army of underwriters to deny claims and turn down sick people,† says Reid. † Canada is another place where health care is run by the government. This came into effect when the parliament unanimously passed the Canadian Health Act in system. Under this law, provinces must ensure that their health care systems respect ive criteria: The first is public administration. This means that the health insurance plans must be administered by a public authority who is accountable to the government. The second is comprehensive benefit. The plan must cover all medically necessary services prescribed by physicians and provided by hospitals. The third is universality. This means all legal residents of the province must be covered. The fourth criterion is portability. Under this, residents continue to be covered if they move or travel from one province to another. And the final criterion is accessibility. This means that services must be made available to all residents on equal terms, regardless of income, age, or ability to pay. The process which a patient goes through to receive health care is very simple. When a person goes to a doctor for any kind of medical treatment they have to present what is called a provincial health card. This is a credit card-looking piece of plastic that lets your physician know you are a legal user of the system

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Performance Appraisals         We have researched performance appraisals by reviewing literature

Performance Appraisals   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We have researched performance appraisals by reviewing literature Performance Appraisals We have researched performance appraisals by reviewing literature on the subject . We found several similarities between the two and a few differences, all of which is discussed in the following analysis. The most obvious purpose of a performance appraisal system is as a decision aid. Performance appraisals provide a basis for deciding who should be promoted, terminated, given a raise, and so forth. It is an important part of consideration in making a wide range of personnel decisions in most organizations, and it benefits both the organization and the individual.Performance Appraisals gives the employee the opportunity to discuss performance and performance standards regularly with the supervisor. It provides the supervisor with a means of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of an employees performance, and it provides a format so he/she can recommend a specific program designed to help an employee improve their performance. Also, it can provide a basis f or salary recommendations so that employees can make justified earnings.Composite Flipcharts: From Chaos to Creative: Per...Environmental issues are all the surrounding factors that come into play when doing a performance appraisal. These issues have to be considered in performance appraisals because they can contaminate the interview in negative ways. Different variables such as standards used to evaluate performance, the definition of what constitutes performance, frequency of appraisals, supervisor-subordinate relationships, and the consequences of high or low evaluations. All these factors thrown together can influence the appraisal interview in different directions. For examples, if you are good friends with your boss and he/she gives you the P.A. interview, the chances are you will get a positive review regardless if your performance is poor. Or perhaps one employee has better resources and higher output than yourself, and as a result gets a better performance review.Other ap praisal failures come from managers not taking the...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Driver License vs. Drivers License

Driver License vs. Drivers License Driver License vs. Driver’s License Driver License vs. Driver’s License By Maeve Maddox A reader questions the use of the possessive in such constructions as â€Å"doctor’s appointment† and â€Å"driver’s license†: If I take out my state-granted proof of authority to drive an automobile in Oklahoma, the title on that wallet-sized document is Driver License, not Drivers License. I hear a lot of people say that they have a doctors appointment, when, in fact, they have a doctor appointment. It seems to me that the possessive is inappropriate to things such as a Driver License or a doctor appointment, unless, in the latter case, it is the doctor himself talking about his appointment. What do you think? I think that where the use of the English possessive is concerned, trying to make immutable rules about it is like trying to herd cats. The card that permits me to drive in the state of Arkansas until 2017 says â€Å"Driver’s License,† but I saw the photo of an Arkansas license posted at the English Stack Exchange that shows â€Å"Drivers License.† Perhaps it was printed before 2007 when apostrophes came to the attention of the Arkansas General Assembly. The body passed a resolution to the effect that the possessive of Arkansas must be written Arkansas’s and not, as the AP Stylebook would have it, Arkansas’. Maybe that’s when someone decided that while they were codifying apostrophes, â€Å"Drivers License† should be â€Å"Driver’s License.† Since my opinion is being sought, I’ll say that I think it would make more sense to call it a â€Å"driving license† to match â€Å"hunting license† and â€Å"fishing license.† As that’s not going to happen in the United States, I’ll vote for â€Å"driver’s license.† According to the Ngram Viewer, I’m with the majority: â€Å"driver’s license† and â€Å"doctor’s appointment† outstrip â€Å"driver license† and â€Å"doctor appointment† by a mile. Rules are useful, but usage rules. What’s on your driver’s license? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should KnowLatin Plural EndingsPreposition Review #1: Chance of vs. Chance for

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Australian Gold Rush Immigrants

Australian Gold Rush Immigrants Prior to Edward Hargraves 1851 discovery of gold near Bathurst, New South Wales, Great Britain regarded the distant colony of Australia as little more than a penal settlement. The promise of gold, however, attracted thousands of voluntary settlers in search of their fortunes- and ultimately ended the practice of transporting British convicts to the colonies. The Dawn of the Australian Gold Rush Within weeks of Hargraves discovery, thousands of laborers were already frantically digging at Bathurst, with hundreds more arriving daily. This prompted the Governor of Victoria, Charles J. La Trobe, to offer a  £200 reward to anyone who found gold within 200 miles of Melbourne. Diggers immediately took up the challenge and gold was quickly found in abundance by James Dunlop at Ballarat, by Thomas Hiscock at Buninyong, and by Henry Frenchman at Bendigo Creek. By the end of 1851, the Australian gold rush was in full force. Hundreds of thousands of new settlers descended on Australia during the 1850s. Many of the immigrants whod originally come to try their hand at gold-digging, chose to stay on and settle in the colonies, ultimately quadrupling the population of Australia between 1851 (430,000) and 1871 (1.7 million). Did Your Ancestors Arrive During the Gold Rush? If you suspect that your Australian ancestor might have originally been a digger, begin your search in traditional records from that time period, such as census, marriage,  and death records that generally list an individuals occupation. If you find something that indicates your ancestor was likely- or even possibly- a digger, passenger lists can help pinpoint the date of their arrival in the Australian colonies. Outbound passenger lists from the United Kingdom arent available prior to 1890, nor are they readily available for America or Canada (the Australia gold rush attracted people from all over the world), so your best bet is to search arrival manifests in Australia. Unassisted Immigrants to NSW, 1842-1855: This is an index of unassisted (or free) passengers who came to Australia at their own expense, including ships crewmembers.Unassisted Passenger and Crew Arrivals, 1854-1900: The Mariners and Ships in Australian Waters website has transcribed passenger listings and links to digital scans of original Shipping Inward lists from the Shipping Masters Office.Victoria Passenger Lists: Immigration records for Victoria 1852–1899 are online from the Public Record Office Victoria, including the Index to Unassisted Inward Passenger Lists to Victoria 1852- 1923 and the Index to Assisted British Immigration 1839- 1871. Researching Ancestors Who Predate the Gold Rush Of course, your Australian gold rush ancestors may have actually arrived in Australia in the years preceding the gold rush- as an assisted or unassisted immigrant, or even as a convict. So, if you dont find them in the passenger arrivals from 1851 on, keep looking. There was also a second sizeable gold rush in Western Australia during the 1890s. Start by checking the outbound passenger lists from that time period. Once youve determined that your ancestors were likely involved in the gold rush in some way, you may be able to locate them in a gold-digger database or learn more from newspapers, diaries, memoirs, photos, or other records. Gold Diggers from South Australia: This free searchable database includes gold diggers from South Australia (1852- 1853) who brought or sent their gold home from the Victorian goldfields, including those who deposited gold at the SA Gold Assay Office in February 1852; the consignors and consignees associated with the first three mounted police escorts; and those who lost their receipts or failed to claim their gold by 29 October 1853.SBS Gold!: Explore the impact of the Australian gold rushes and uncover stories of the diggers through newspaper accounts, diaries,  and memoirs.The Goldminers Database: Search information on some 34,000 gold miners who participated in the gold rushes of New Zealand between 1861 and 1872, many of whom were Australians who went to New Zealand for only a short period of time.Fortune Hunters in Australia: This online database, available to members of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, includes names and other information extracted from the pub lished CD titled American Fever Australian Gold, American and Canadian involvement in Australia’s Gold Rush by Australian authors Denise McMahon and Christine Wild. In addition to data compiled from official records, archives, contemporary newspapers, and diaries, there is also material from correspondence written to or from fortune seekers, both from the goldfields of Australia, as well as communications penned during ocean crossings. The National Library of Australia: Search the digital collections database for the term gold photos, maps, and manuscripts related to the Australian gold rushes and those who participated in them.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Importance of Being Earnest and the U.S. Government Essay

Importance of Being Earnest and the U.S. Government - Essay Example He was born in 1854 and died in 1900. He had particular aspirations when it came to the writing of short stories and he is known to have written one novel. Wilde was later in his life arrested and imprisoned for being involved in homosexuality and indecency. After his release, he moved away from Ireland and he never returned. "Importance of Being Earnest" is a playwright written by Wilde in the year 1895. The concept of the play is vested in England. The play consists of humor and lies and is based on two men who escape their obligations. The first scene of the play is centered in the house of Algernon Moncrieff who is depicted as an upper-class refined young man with a male servant known as Lane. It is tea time in London and Algernon has just entered the room where Lane is preparing the table for tea. (Wilde, Pg 8) Algernon plays the piano and then starts a conversation with Lane asking him whether or not he liked how he played the piano. Lane says that he is sorry because he had not been very attentive. This first part of the play if compared with the government in the United States depicts the aristocratic kind of life that is led by the government. The government is sophisticated and their lies are surrounded by servants who undertake all kinds of duties left right and center. As the play coAs the play continues, Algernon requests his male servant to make mushroom sandwiches specifically for his aunt who is coming in with his cousin Gwendolyn. The scene takes a twist when Algernon asks Lane what he thinks about marriage and Lane says that he has no much experience on the field since he is a divorcee. The servant's casual answer surprises the boss. Their conversation is disrupted by the door bell which the servant responds to. Algernon is left in the room eating the Mushroom sandwiches. (Wilde, Pg 13) Lane comes back to the room announcing the presence of Ernest Worthing. Ernest is Algernon's friend. Ernest is from the country side but he often comes to visit London. Ernest in their conversation reveals to Algernon about his intention to propose to Gwendolyn, Algernon's cousin. Algernon is not happy about this and he tells Ernest that he would not allow him to propose to his cousin until he explains the incision that he had collected written from a certain Cecily. At first, Ernest says that he does not know of any Cecily. At this point in the play, a light is shed on the United States government. The government is always in a position to lay down its virtues earnestly but is always in denial. This is clear from the situation in Iraq where innocent individuals have been killed but the government of the United States continues to deny this. This leaves Ernest to explain to his friend that he leads a double life. In the country side, he is known as Jack. In addition, he feeds lies to the people in the country that he has a brother in the city known as Ernest Worthing. He uses this excuse as an attempt to escape his responsibility in the country. Therefore, Cecily is his ward in the country and the granddaughter of the man who had adopted him. (Wilde, Pg 15) In the process of the conversation, Algernon also reveals that he lives a double life since he also lies that he has another invalid friend in the country known as Bunbury who he goes to see

Friday, October 18, 2019

T-Mobile in Hungary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

T-Mobile in Hungary - Assignment Example If they find one of the advertisements good, they will choose that supplier. Advertisements targets are always the positional clients. The company is aiming to represent its products and services as the symbol of success. Its subscribers are always smiling, get an excellent quality, and never face any problem. While the struggle is very tough in Hungary, mobile providers struggle for every particular user. That is why T-Mobile (HU) emphasizes that all its subscribers belong to a big family and they made the right decision. They aim to get and keep users through motivating them to brand loyalty. T-mobile strategy implements the Total Quality Management (TQM) strategies upon their decisions. T-mobiles innovative and creative ideas upon their mobile handsets are purely to benefit the customers wants and needs. Functional management is found in T-mobile where specialist managers or expertise is required. Functional managers are usually concerned with a few tasks. Examples of this would be a human resource manager who is only concerned with staffing activities. Managers responsible for the all the activities in the T-mobile can be considered as line managers. They are involved in most of the organizational functions such as finance, production, human-relations, and marketing. There is a strong leadership presence in T-mobile Company. Leadership is the process of influencing and directing people towards the accomplishment of a goal or objective. Whether the job role is the supervisory or managerial position, you will need to show leadership skills. Leadership is measured by the willingness to accept direction from the employees. Leaders should be able to unlock peak performance from the workforce by using the concept of human motivation either using Positive reinforcement such as recognition, respect, praise or using Negative reinforcement such as removing privileges.

Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Criminal Justice - Essay Example 1) Thus, criminal facility as well as study on crime is important to bring reduction to the crime rate. The evolution of prison is not known yet but the word prison is a Latin word meaning â€Å"to seize†. Prisons of ancient times were different than that of today. Those prisons were for a short period of time and included harsh punishments. (Albanese & Dammer, 2010) Today, the concept of prison has changed to correctional facility. The main purpose of a correction facility is to bring a change in the personality of the prisoners. As once they complete their jail time period they must come out they should live as a civilized citizen not as a criminal. A modern correctional facility should fulfill this requirement. According to me the punishment period should be more of a realization period of one’s bad deeds. A prison should not be jail but an institution. Although there are serious offenders of crime, they should b kept in separate floors and must be treated physiologically as well to overcome their state of mind. The building of a facility must be vast and spacious. A rectangular building with concrete as building component of the facility, as it is durable and secure. For security reason the number of guards must me double than that of inmates, to help in emergency situations. It must have sports and recreational activities for the inm ates. One cell should accommodate two inmates. All inmates must be in black and white striped jumpsuits, wearing their identity cards all the time to ensure their identity. Along with all this a good administration is also necessary for a proper working of a correctional facility. Keeping in mind the rights and needs of inmates, strict policies and practices should be avoided to alleviate the conditions of a prison. Jones, M., & johnsons, P. (2011).  History of crime justice. (5th ed., p. 1). Elsevier. Retrieved from

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Social and Cultural Changes after the First and Second World Wars Essay

Social and Cultural Changes after the First and Second World Wars - Essay Example The political situation was polarized with Soviet Union focusing on national security and the US spreading the democracy that led to repartition of Europe (McCauley, 2008). With one form of totalitarianism defeated, with the ashes of Nazism literally scattered among the living and dead of that conflict, the tensions between East and West renewed themselves. In some respects, the Cold War was inevitable: the incompatibility between communism and capitalism, the differing opinions about the rights of man, cultural and ideological disagreements about the most profound issues including religion, personal identity, freedom of assembly, democracy -- all of these differences would (and did) come to the fore between the United States, Western Europe and the Soviet Union. And all of these differences were party the outcome of the WWI and WWII. The brutal reality of the wars contributed to the development of medical thought. A lot of soldiers were wounded and injured; their treatment became the upfront priority for the countries involved in the conflict as they have already lost a lot of men. The field of plastic surgery was rapidly developing as many men needed immediate treatment. (Hunt, 2009). Psychological damages that soldiers received also needed assistance. The work of psychologists cannot be underestimated (Merriman, 2010). All these demands forced the medical field to evolve and develop at an unprecedented speed. The field of vaccination industry was developing and was as effective as never before. Vaccine innovations were able to tackle such diseases as influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia that took millions of lives in the past. The work of doctors and scientists contributed to the mass production and usage of penicillin and developed vaccines that were able to prevent various diseases across the world (Hoyt, 2006).

Researched Thematic Analysis All in the Timing by David Ives Essay

Researched Thematic Analysis All in the Timing by David Ives - Essay Example too Also significant to remember is that it there are usually several themes in an artistic work, all tightly woven together and inter-related--some minor--some major. David Ives (b. 1950) attended Northwestern University where he began writing plays. He produced his first play, Canvas, in New York City with the Circle Repertory Company. He later took on a job as an editor of Foreign Affairs and eventually studied drama at Yale University's School of Drama, where he received his MFA. He is known for many successful plays including, All in the Timing, Words, Words, Words, Sure Thing, and Philip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread. His latest play, Don Juan in Chicago, received the Outer Critic's Circle's John Gassner Playwriting Award and a Drama Desk nomination for outstanding play. Ives also received the 1994 George and Elizabeth Martin David Ives' All in the Timing is a contradictory and even absurd comedy encompassing six acts. The first selection is entitled Sure Thing. It is a chronicle of the possibilities that exist when two people try to have a cup of coffee together. It starts with the question "is that seat taken" with responses starting with "yes, I'm waiting for someone" to "no, have a seat." It takes a few moments to become comfortable with the switching of scenes but it is eerily mesmerizing to watch the scene unfold and recognize that you yourself have been in that exact position. (Samudrala ||, 2005) The second selection, Trotsky, is about Leon Trotsky. He has a mountain climber's axe smashed/buried into his skull by his communist gardener, Ramon, the day before, yet he remembers nothing. His ice pick phobia is the focus of this act, but it is the mountain climber's axe that does him in. The weird part (yes, something weirder that an ice pick fetish) is that his wife comes in the room with an encyclopedia from the 1990s (the play is set in 1940s) to inform him that the book says he is going to die today. The third selection, Philadelphia, is interesting. It takes place in a coffee shop where the various inhabitants are stuck in different "cities" or states of mind. The person in a Los Angeles is perpetually carefree and doesn't get upset that his wife left him, or that he just lost his job. The person in a Chicago feels worse than dead, and the person in a Philadelphia gets exactly the opposite of what he asks for. The person in the Los Angeles explains everything to the person in the Philadelphia so he finally learns to ask for the opposite of what he wants. Unfortunately, the person in the Los Angeles gets sucked into the other person's Philadelphia and he finally feels the pain of losing his job and wife.The fourth selection is called English Made Simple. It involves a man and a woman at a party who are demonstrating language for the labcoat-wearing-maybe-psychologist person also on stage. Sure Thing, when a variety of possible outcomes were presented. (Schmidt, 205) The fifth selection is called Words, Words, Words. It is a bizarre look into the lives of three monkeys

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Social and Cultural Changes after the First and Second World Wars Essay

Social and Cultural Changes after the First and Second World Wars - Essay Example The political situation was polarized with Soviet Union focusing on national security and the US spreading the democracy that led to repartition of Europe (McCauley, 2008). With one form of totalitarianism defeated, with the ashes of Nazism literally scattered among the living and dead of that conflict, the tensions between East and West renewed themselves. In some respects, the Cold War was inevitable: the incompatibility between communism and capitalism, the differing opinions about the rights of man, cultural and ideological disagreements about the most profound issues including religion, personal identity, freedom of assembly, democracy -- all of these differences would (and did) come to the fore between the United States, Western Europe and the Soviet Union. And all of these differences were party the outcome of the WWI and WWII. The brutal reality of the wars contributed to the development of medical thought. A lot of soldiers were wounded and injured; their treatment became the upfront priority for the countries involved in the conflict as they have already lost a lot of men. The field of plastic surgery was rapidly developing as many men needed immediate treatment. (Hunt, 2009). Psychological damages that soldiers received also needed assistance. The work of psychologists cannot be underestimated (Merriman, 2010). All these demands forced the medical field to evolve and develop at an unprecedented speed. The field of vaccination industry was developing and was as effective as never before. Vaccine innovations were able to tackle such diseases as influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia that took millions of lives in the past. The work of doctors and scientists contributed to the mass production and usage of penicillin and developed vaccines that were able to prevent various diseases across the world (Hoyt, 2006).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping Research Paper

Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping - Research Paper Example There has also been a changing of attitudes over time and this has improved the conditions of the people with disabilities or human service needs. The paper attempts to outline the issues in human services as well as attitudes in for the people with human service’s needs. Â  Human services are categorized into social services as well as mental services to people with special needs like disability and mentally retarded in the society. Human services involve offering services to people who require services like mental health services such as trauma, mental conditions, psychological issues and those that would like to change certain behaviors in their lives. Social services are mostly offered at the society level where many members in the society need assistance for basic needs to improve their quality life. Social services are mostly offered to the members who have developmental disabilities, the elderly, victims of drugs and crime and people who might be suffering from issues of immigration or refugees (Woodside 48). Â  Professional services are offered to the needy people in the society as a result of developed centers which offers services to the needy people. Nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and other homes for the needy serve as good places to offer professional services. Family service programs are some of the best services that are offered to the needy people as the family workers offer a positive and safe environment where the needy people can be comfortable in. cases, where the needy people are catered by the agencies adopted, serve as a favorable environment to needy people because they feel a sense of belonging (Egan 445). Â  Mental health services are offered by specialists and professionals like psychologists who understand various mental needs of the patients and they have the skills for various needs.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Federalist papers-The House of Representatives and the Senate Essay Example for Free

Federalist papers-The House of Representatives and the Senate Essay The United States congress which is also the legislature one of the three arms of government is divided into two chambers; the House of Representatives ‘house’ and the Senate. They both serve a vital role in ensuring that the proper policies and laws that represent the citizen’s views are passed. The House of Representatives is made up of representatives from all the states. The Senate being the upper house is made up of individuals two from every state who are chosen by not looking at the populations in the states. Thus ensuring equal representation. They have the powers of consenting treaties, appointing federal officials for instance judges, secretaries in the cabinet and even the senior military personnel. The Publius writings are the name under which the Federalist papers were referred to back in the day when they were being formulated. These papers aid in highlighting the functions of the House and Senate in relation to how they were formed, the principles that govern how the members are elected, how they work and how their role plays an important part in the formulation of policies. There are several differences and similarities between these two chambers. The differences include that the senate is headed by the sitting Vice President who will vote in case there is a tie. The House of Representative is headed by the speaker who is elected by the members. â€Å"The senate is made up of 100 senators while the house has about 435 representatives and the number is determined by the populations they represent. In addition, the senators serve six year terms while the representatives serve 2 years (Patrick 225).† Though having many people means that the citizens’ views are well represented, these large numbers are said to inhibit them reaching a solution quickly. Since the senate is made up of fewer individuals, they form a strong team that is able to make and reach decisions quickly. This is well stated by James Madison in the Publius no. 63,   where it states that the senates’ small number makes it more stable and because of this, they are in a better position to form strong and lasting relations with foreign countries. moreover, he says that because the senators serve a longer period, this ensures that they will be held accountable for actions as well as policies   they have formulated. By being aware of this fact, they are always cautious of what they do. â€Å"The representatives on the other hand serve a smaller term therefore they will not be as keen as the senators after all they will not be around to be held responsible (Grossman 70).† This is further enhanced in the federalist no. 53 which states that the people who are chosen should be governed that are given to the House are not enough because during that period they have just known how the office works therefore their knowledge on foreign affairs is limited. The functions of the House of Representatives are mostly legislative purposes. â€Å"This is because their numbers enable them to pass ordinary legislation, override vetoes and make amendments (Wescott 127).† This is much more than what the senate can do. In the Federalist no. 66, Hamilton says that there is likelihood that the senators can act corrupt more so because they will side with the president or influenced by the public to make invalid decisions. For this reason, he does not see why they should be allowed to pass judgments. Though they are restricted to serving these purposes mostly, they can contribute in the impeachment of legislators. Senators are also engaged in the legislative matters but will also try those political offenses that the house has agreed on. On top of this, it acts as an executive council to the state. When the president wants to engage in treaties with other countries, the Senate has to agree on it before it is signed. This is quoted in the federalist no. 64 as it is said that, â€Å"the Senates advice is valuable and necessary.† Moreover if he appoints people to the high offices; the senate has to agree on the same issue. These powers of engaging in international treaties are not found within the House. The similarities are that there gender equality is observed in both chambers as men and women are elected. The role of both the Senate and the house is to ensure that proper laws are passed and that they are adjusted regularly so that they can fit with the changing times. Another similarity between the House and the Senate is that they both ensure that the system of election is just and according to the constitution. This therefore shows an example with which the national elections are conducted such that all individuals are treated fairly. â€Å"This is seen in Federalist 78 where constitution morality with regard to the proper use of the judicial system so as to enhance trust in the judicial system is enhanced (Wescott 144).† The House carries the banner for the whole constitution as the representatives are elected in a just manner and they represent the populations. This is because the voters in such electors are the same ones who elect state legislators as found in the Federalist no, 52.   These elections are administered by the states and are done in proper organized manner. For this reason, the system is fair and shows that the federal state elections need to be conducted in such an orderly manner. The same applies to the senate because only the competent individuals with prior experience in state matters are chosen. â€Å"Madison in the Federalist no. 62 says that the Senate is structured so that it can overcome the various organizational structures that face government institutions thus enhancing its stability (Millican 171).† Both the senate and the House of Representatives have the power to make pass policies that will impact different sectors of the economy with regards to what they feel is right for the people. This is because before a bill becomes law, it has to be approved by majority of the senate and the House of Representatives. To ensure that they do their work well, the Senate and the House engage in frequent meetings where they discuss issues that face the country and what needs to be done, share ideas, debate over issues as this aids in making strategic decisions and voting on bills. By doing this, they are fulfilling their constitutional rights to the people. Conclusion Though the Senate presence is considered to be more superior to the House of Representatives, they both play an important part in congress as they work in unison with other arms of government to ensure that the country is propelled in the right direction. The Federalist papers therefore ensure that there is balance within the system especially in the distribution of power so as to ensure that laws are passed in proper ways without bias. Works Cited Grofman, Bernard Wittman Donald. The Federalist Papers and the new institutionalism Algora Publishing, 1989 Grossman Jay. Reconstituting the American renaissance: Emerson, Whitman, and the politics of representation. Duke University Press, 2003 p.70 Millican Edward. One united people: the Federalist papers and the national idea. University Press of Kentucky, 1990 p. 171 Patrick John J. Founding the Republic: a documentary history. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1995 p. 225 Wescott C. George. The Federalist: design for a constitutional republic. University of Illinois Press, 1994

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Effects Of Dehydration And Rapidly Consuming Water Biology Essay

The Effects Of Dehydration And Rapidly Consuming Water Biology Essay Blood pressure measures the pressure applied against the inner walls of arteries, it differs throughout the body and is controlled by the contraction of the heart and can vary from person to person based upon their age, weight, and overall health. The two types of pressure are referred to as systolic pressure, when the ventricles contract and push blood through the body, and diastolic pressure, the ventricle fills with blood again. High blood pressure, when blood exerts a high amount of pressure because there is difficulty moving throughout the body, has proven to be an adverse health condition involving heart disease and stroke ( 2009). Dehydration demonstrates a relationship with higher blood pressure and is referred to as essential hypertension (Insel et al. 2010). There is a steady rise in blood pressure that indicates a shortening supply of water and the blood vessels react accordingly. Lumen or the tiny holes in the blood vessels are able to adapt, open and close, in response to the amount of blood. Studies have shown that only 8% of the insufficient water intake affects the volume of blood directly compared to the 66% imposed on the volume water in certain cells (Batmanghelidj 2003). However, the circulatory system shrinks by closing the lumen throughout the blood vessels. First, in the peripheral capillaries and eventually the larger vessels constrict in order to try and maintain full blood vessels. This gives a rise to tension or pressure throughout the blood vessels and a higher blood pressure overall (Batmanghelidj 2003). There are other studies that show the importance of water balance and the key role of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) (Purves et al. 2006). Water is such an essential part of the human body that there are specialized cells in the brain that detect the elevated sodium levels within the body and signal the pituitary gland to release ADH to indicate to the kidney that it should conserve water (Insel et al. 2010). This conserves blood volume and maintains blood pressure. When there are low levels of ADH not as much water is absorbed and dilute urine is produced. Water retention and intake dilutes the blood and expands blood volume. (Purves et al. 2006) My experiment is to test the rapid consumption of water and the effects on blood pressure. My hypothesis is that the consumption of water will cause my blood pressure to drop because it will add to the fluidity of my blood and make is easier to pass through the arteries and the heart rate will drop because of the less pressure. The null hypothesis would be that the consumption of water would take no effect on blood pressure or cause a rise in blood pressure and heart rate. As the previous background information has shown, hydration can play a major role in high blood pressure and therefore adverse health. Materials and Methods: The first instrument to note would be the sphygmomanometer, a device used to measure blood pressure. Before we drank the water we had to place the sphygmomanometer on correctly and take our basal blood pressure. We had all been in a resting position for around 2 hours, this qualified as enough time to take our initial basal blood pressures. To obtain accurate results the sphygmomanometer must be placed correctly over the brachial artery and pumped to around 150 mm Hg. The average of class was obtained by adding up all the systolic pressures and dividing by 26, the number of students conducting the test and the same was performed for the diastolic pressures. The first average basal blood pressure for the class was 104/70, the second 110/71 and the third was 107/70. The sphygmomanometer also displays the heart rate of the person using it. The classs average basal heart rates were 77, 79 and 78 (beats per minute). Once the initial readings were complete the water was prepared to be cons umed. The temperature of the water varied because there were students that had water bottles sitting out a room temperature for at least 2 hours while others had to fill them from the water fountain, which is chilled. Usually using a nalgene, 24 fl. oz of water were prepared to be consumed. It can be assumed that most people in the classroom were slightly, if not significantly dehydrated because we had not drunk any water for at least 2 hours. The sphygmomanometer was prepared as before on the first partner, the water was rapidly consumed and the blood pressure and pulse was taken immediately after they were finished drinking. There was a 3 minute break between the next blood pressure reading so the other partner has the sphygmomanometer placed on their brachial artery and consumes the same amount of water and has their blood pressure and pulse was taken. The sphygmomanometer was traded between the two partners every three minutes to record the different blood pressures and pulse for the next 12 minutes. The average blood pressures for the corresponding 3 minute intervals were 120/79, 114/68, 111/71, 117/77, and 114/72. The average heart rates were 71, 70, 69, 71, and 71 likewise. The independent variable was the amount of water consumed while the dependent variable was the blood pressure and pulse because it was what we were testing for. The constants for this experiment were time, the environment we were all in and the fact that water was consumed. This experiment was also paired because the same group of people that performed the basal readings conducted the rest of the experiment as well. There were 13 groups of two throughout the class and the same experiment was replicated in each pair. Statistics: Figure 1: Range of Basal Heart Rate 60 bpm Range of 0 min Heart Rate 75 bpm Range of 3 min Heart Rate 54 bpm Range of 6 min Heart Rate 54 bpm Range of 9 min Heart Rate 76 bpm Range of 12 min Heart Rate 58 bpm Table 1 Data Range: Figure 2: Range of Diastolic Data: Range of Systolic Data: Range of Basal Systolic 68 mm Hg Range of 0 min Systolic 84 mm Hg Range of 3 min Systolic 59 mm Hg Range of 6 min Systolic 53 mm Hg Range of 9 min Systolic 62 mm Hg Range of 12 min Systolic 49 mm Hg Range of Basal Diastolic 58 mm Hg Range of 0 min Diastolic 79 mm Hg Range of 3 min Diastolic 60 mm Hg Range of 6 min Diastolic 52 mm Hg Range of 9 min Diastolic 77 mm Hg Range of 12 min Diastolic 52 mm Hg Table 2 Table 3 T-Test with Averages: Table 4 Results: This experiment tested the results of rapidly drinking water when dehydrated on heart rate and blood pressure of subject. The results for the average heart rate seem to demonstrate that the pulse does not change very much with the consumption of water. As for the systolic and diastolic pressures, there are some changes after the water is consumed. There appears to be a spike in the systolic pressure around the 0 minute mark and then it decreases to about average again. The diastolic pressure is much more similar to the heart rate because it is relatively consistent to the average, no drastic changes. The t-test is much more than .05 and shows that the chance these results were random is very high. The ranges of each data set display the differences between each array of data. Discussion: My hypothesis states: that the consumption of water will cause the blood pressure and heart rate to drop. My prediction is that the water will add to the fluidity of my blood and make it easier to travel through the arteries and relieve pressure. My results did not support my hypothesis because there was an initial rise in systolic pressure after the water was consumed. The pressure never dropped significantly below the basal readings and therefore my hypothesis was not supported and the null hypothesis tested correctly. If you look at the t-test table (table 4) the p-values were very high, much higher than .05, and this shows that the results had a very high chance of being random. My new hypothesis would be the consumption of water will cause my blood pressure to rise. The reasoning behind this thought is that the water adds to the mass of blood flowing throughout the body and therefore, creates more pressure on the walls of the arteries and yields a higher pressure than before. On ce the water is evened out throughout the body the pressure decreases to around the basal readings. One of the most obvious errors about this lab was the gathering of information from the class. Time is always a constraint on lab work and we ran out of time before we could gather all our information together right after the experiment. Instead, our TA had to collect all the data and put it on a spread sheet. I believe there may have been some communication issues because there are parts of the data that are considered instrumental error and there are no numbers for calculations. The other error that I noticed was the temperature of the water because we didnt actually see if everybodys water was the same temperature or not. On that note, the amount of water also varied at times because not everybody was able to measure out 24 fl. Oz with a nalgene and had to estimate. Looking at previously published work there is evidence that dehydration and hypotension (low-blood pressure) seem to go hand in hand (Weed 1999). Therefore, when hydrated the blood pressure will rise. This is the exact opposite of what I stated in my hypothesis because I thought that addition of water would lower the blood pressure. Heart rate is also low during dehydration but is more variable if it will change during re-hydration or not (Montain and Coyle 1992). Once again, this is the exact opposite of what I predicted in my hypothesis. It appears that most previously printed work does not support my hypothesis. As I mentioned earlier the largest weaknesses I noticed in this experiment were time, communication between TA and student, volume and temperature of water. I would suggest that more time is set aside for the collection and processing of data stage in the experiment so that the entire class is able to get the full amount of information there instead of having the TA email everybody for their results and then making a spreadsheet. The experiment can also be better prepared with pre-measured cups of water with thermometers so the temperature and volume can be more consistent. My conclusion to this experiment is that dehydration does have an effect on blood pressure, it causes it to rise. The water adds to the pressure against the walls of the arteries. There appears to be no direct effect on the actual heart rate after the water is consumed. Literature Cited: Batmanghelidj, F. 2003. Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life Youre Not Sick, Youre Thirsty! New York: Warner Books. p 93-100. Health information- water alleviate symptoms High blood pressure /Cholesterol. Drinking Water Filters- Reverse Osmosis Water Purifiers Water Softeners. Web. 01 Feb. 2010. . Insel et al. 2010. Discovering Nutrition. London: Jones and Bartlett International. p. 400-403 Purves et al. 2003. Life The Science of Biology. 7th Edition. New York: Sinauer Associates and W. H. Freeman. p. 216-221 Montain SJ, Coyle FH. 1992. Influence of graded dehydration on hyperthermia and cardiovascular drift during exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology Weed L, Weed L. 1999. Changing the Doctor-Patient Relationship. BMJ Weedman D, Sokoloski E. 2009. Biology of Organisms: Laboratory Manuel. Ohio: Cengage Learning. P. 170-183

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Evolution Essay -- essays research papers

Charles Darwin had two great themes in "On the Origin of Species" which accounted for the similarities and adaptations characteristic of living organisms. To account for the adaptations of organisms and those innumerable features that equip them for survival and reproduction, Darwin (and Wallace) independently came up with the central theory of evolutionary process: natural selection. Natural selection gives insight in to why organisms are the way that they are. Adaptations are phenotypic variants that result in the highest fitness among a specified set of variants in a given environment. In reference to humans, there are many traits that have been selected and adapted for throughout their evolutionary history giving them the characteristics that they have today. In this paper I will discuss some parts of the human body, which have been found to be selected for by the evolutionary mechanisms of natural selection, adaptation and mutation. Natural selection, adaptation, and mutations are three components of the evolutionary process, each one having either positive or negative effects on the other. What exactly is natural selection? There are many variations of the definition but most agree that it must include the following concepts: some attribute or trait must vary among biological entities, and there must be a consistent relationship, within a defined context, between the trait and one or more components of reproductive success, where "reproductive success" includes both survival and the reproductive processes themselves (Futuyma, 1998). Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection states "if variations useful to any organic being ever occur, assuredly individuals thus characterized will have the best chance of being preserved in the struggle for life; and from the strong principle of inheritance, these will tend to produce offspring similarly characterized." Regardless of how it is defined, natural selection and its action can have tremendous effects on the members of a population. It is natural selection that causes adaptation, and these adaptations evolve to ensure the survival of a species. Evolution, in a very broad sense, is defined as descent with modification and often with diversification (Futuyma, 1998). Darwin's idea of evolution was that it occurred by descent with modificatio... ...-carbohydrate, high protein diet. Certain metabolic adaptations were therefore necessary to accommodate the low glucose intake. Many indicate that the adaptive response to the low carbohydrate intake is insulin resistance(Miller, Colagiuri, 1994). A study done by J.C. Brand Miller and S. Colagirui proposes that insulin resistance offered a survival and reproductive advantage during the Ice Ages. This study also proposed that a carnivorous diet would have disadvantaged reproduction in insulin-sensitive individuals and positively selected for individuals with insulin resistance. Another factor mentioned was the various environmental factors that contributed to the low carbohydrate intake such as the types of foods that were available. The forces of natural selection on the evolutionary processes in humans can have a broad range of effects on the characteristics of humans. There are no concrete answers to some of the questions proposed in this paper, but time will soon tell exactly how the evolutionary mechanisms have effected the human race. The human species will continue to evolve as long as the mechanisms of evolution and environmental factors act upon us.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Nature And Purpose Of The Conceptual Framework Accounting Essay

IntroductionThe accounting conceptual model has been criticized for non supplying an equal footing for standard scene. This insufficiency is evidenced through the FASB ‘s criterions going more and more rule-based. Nevertheless, no empirical grounds has been gathered to back up the unfavorable judgments of the conceptual model. We analyzed the five qualitative features of accounting information from the conceptual model in concurrence with an person ‘s purpose to use/rely on fiscal statements. Using structural equation modeling, we found that merely one qualitative feature, dependability, affected a individual ‘s purpose to utilize fiscal statements. Additionally, it appears that the greatest factor that influences whether an single rely on fiscal statements is their acquaintance with accounting. Based on our findings, it appears that non merely does the conceptual model demand to be altered, but it besides needs to be changed to assist make principle-based accountin g criterions that are utile to all people, irrespective of their background. Criticism has been directed towards the Financial Accounting Standards Board ( FASB ) for non necessitating houses to describe information that is explainable and utile for fiscal statements users ( CICA, 1980 ) . The FASB ‘s conceptual model is the nucleus in which all accounting criterions are derived. Therefore, the accounting conceptual model must incarnate a set of qualitative features that guarantee fiscal coverage grants users of economic statements with sufficient information for appraisals. The U.S. fiscal accounting conceptual model was established between late 1970 ‘s and early 1980 ‘s. Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts ( SFAC ) No. 2 ( 1980 ) indicates that there are five chief qualitative features of accounting information ; comprehensibility, relevancy, dependability, comparison, and consistence.Nature and Purpose of the Conceptual FrameworkThe conceptual frame work has some disadvantages. It is wide based in nature and rules and may non assis t when really bring forthing the fiscal statement. Its criterions contents may conflict with those of other boards. This model, with minor alterations, still provides the footing for the FASB ‘s criterion scene today. Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts ( SFAC ) No. 2 ( 1980 ) develops and discusses the qualitative features that make accounting information utile. SFAC No. 2 separates the qualitative features as possessing either user-specific or decision-specific qualities. The overall user-specific feature of accounting information is that it must be apprehensible. Today, the accounting conceptual model is being blamed for accounting criterions going rule-based, which leads to the structuring of minutess ( Nobes, 2005 ; SEC 108 ( vitamin D ) ) . In fact, FASB has even acknowledged that the conceptual model might be unequal for current accounting criterions ( AICPA, 2002 ) . The conceptual model was formed with the purpose of supplying the anchor for principle-based accounting criterions ( Nobes, 2005 ) . However, the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) has late criticized the accounting criterions puting board for going excessively rules-based, which paves the manner for the structuring of minutess in the company ‘s favor ( SEC 108 ( vitamin D ) ) . Critics of the model have stressed that the move towards rule-based criterions are a effect of insufficiencies in the accounting conceptual foundation. Nobes ( 2005 ) argues that the demand for rule-based accounting criterions is a direct consequence of the FASB seeking to coerce a tantrum between criterions and a conceptual model that is non to the full developed. A coherent and strong conceptual model is critical for the development of principle-based accounting criterions and the patterned advance towards convergence in international accounting criterions. However, research workers are incognizant of any empirical grounds that supports the unfavorable judgment of the current conceptual model. Additionally, none of the critics have looked at the conceptual model from the most of import point of view, the user ‘s position. Therefore, the principle of this paper is to practically analyse the sufficiency of the conceptual model, from a user ‘s position, in relation to an person ‘s trust on fiscal statements for determination devising. We developed a study instrument to analyse an person ‘s purpose to trust on fiscal statements utilizing Ajzen ‘s ( 1991 ) Theory of Planned Behaviour. We found that the dependability feature of the conceptual model represented the lone important dimension of a individual ‘s attitude impacting their purpose to trust on fiscal statements. However, the comprehensibility feature was nearing significance. Within the context of the theory of planned behavior, societal force per u nit areas was non important influence on the purpose to use/rely on fiscal statements, yet acquaintance with accounting was found to significantly act upon purpose. The conceptual model and possible fiscal statement user ‘s purposes can be analyzed within the context of Ajzen ‘s ( 1991 ) Theory of Planned Behaviour. Ajzen ( 1991 ) indicates that empirical grounds suggests that we can find an person ‘s purpose to execute behavior through analysing their attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Within this position, we adapted Ajzen ‘s ( 1991 ) theory of planned behavior to an person ‘s leaning to trust on accounting fiscal statements as shown in the figure below ( figure 2 ) :( Pull a figure )The intent of this survey was to supply an empirical analysis to the unfavorable judgment against the FASB ‘s conceptual model. Our overall consequences suggest that the current conceptual model does non adequately aline the aims of funding coverage with the users of fiscal statements. However, available findings have some interesting deductions for the conceptual model and future criterion puting. Rel iability is the lone qualitative feature that has a positive statistical important relationship with purpose. The accounting profession is confronting a pick between dependability and relevancy in fiscal coverage, as there is an built-in tradeoff between dependability and relevancy ( Paton and Littleton, 1940 ; Vatter, 1947 ) . Reliable information possesses the feature of objectiveness and verifiability, which is associated with historical cost accounting. Relevance, on the other manus, pertains to any information that will act upon the users ‘ fiscal determination. Many times the most relevant information is frequently current or prospective in nature. Therefore, we can non hold accounting information that maximizes the features of both relevant and dependable because relevant information is non ever verifiable. We would hold expected to see relevancy as a important factor in users ‘ purpose to utilize fiscal statements since the recent accounting criterions have moved toward just value accounting steps, which are considered to be more relevant than dependable information ( Ciesielski & A ; Weirich, 2006 ) . However, our consequences show that dependability is a important factor. The current accounting course of study could be the cause of our consequences since it is rooted in Paton and Littleton ‘s historical cost attack, which focuses on dependability of information. In the context of the Theory of Planned Behaviour, we found that acquaintance to be a statistically important factor to an person ‘s purpose to utilize fiscal statements. Therefore, as an single becomes more familiar with fiscal statements, he or she is more likely to hold the purpose to utilize or trust on them when doing determination. An ANOVA analysis provides farther support for this as it indicates that purpose to utilize or trust on fiscal statements is significantly different between accounting big leagues and non-accounting big leagues. This provides grounds that accounting could be going excessively hard for persons who are non adept in accounting to understand. It appears that the motion towards rule-based accounting criterions could be a conducive cause of this disparity in purpose. That is, the accounting criterions have become so proficient upon their executing that the mean reader of accounting can no longer spot the chief aim of each fiscal statement component. This determination is disturbing to accounting since it contradicts the primary aim of accounting, which is to offer practical book-keeping information for judgement devising. Book-keeping information should be utile for all people who want to utilize it instead than merely being utile to those who understand it. Additionally, under no fortunes, should accounting information provide an advantage to persons who happen to be experts within the field. Accounting should be a tool and non a barrier At the-present, the accounting profession is coping with a job, which it has identified as the demand for a conceptual model of accounting. This model has been fastidiously developed over centuries, and it is simply the profession ‘s undertaking to ticket tune the bing conceptual model because of the demand for continual development due to altering conditions. This conceptual model has ne'er been laid out in expressed footings ; accordingly, it is continually overlooked. A conceptual model has been described as â€Å" a fundamental law, † an articulate agreement of interrelated aims and basicss that can steer to dependable criterions and that stipulates the character, intent, and confines of fiscal book-keeping and financial statements. For many comptrollers, the conceptual model undertaking is hard to come to clasps with because the capable affair is abstract and comptrollers are accustomed to covering with specific jobs. In deciding those jobs, comptrollers may unconsciously trust on their ain conceptual models, but CPAs have non antecedently been called on to spell out their models in systematic, cohesive manner so that others can understand and measure them. It is indispensable that a model be expressly established so that the FASB and those measuring its criterions are establishing their judgements on the same set of aims and constructs. An expressly established model is besides indispensable for preparers and hearers to do determinations about accounting issues that are non specifically covered by FASB criterions or other important literature. It is considered that if the conceptual model makes sense and leads to relevant information, and if fiscal statement users make the necessary attempt to to the full understand it, their assurance in fiscal statements and their ability to utilize them efficaciously will besides be enhanced. No 1 who supports the constitution of a conceptual model should be laboring under the semblance that such a model will automatically take to a individual unequivocal reply to every specific fiscal accounting job. A conceptual model can merely supply counsel in placing the relevant factors to be considered by standard compositors and directors and hearers in doing the judgements that are inevitable in fiscal coverage determinations.A Classical Model of Accounting: The Framework ExpandedHistorically, the particularised information, which constituted the outgrowth of accounting, was embedded in a model for control of human behavior. With the coming of exchange replacing a nutriment society, and with e xchange finally bring forthing a private economic system, accounting derived its 2nd, and in modern times considered its most of import, map as a planning instrument. The classical theoretical account merely states that behavioral forms do be in the structural development of accounting ; that is, given a stimulation there will be a response which is direct reaction ( an expected reaction ) to that stimulation. One can associate this theoretical account to the classical theoretical account in economic sciences, in which supply and demand for a trade good react in an expected mode due to a alteration in monetary value. Figure 3 is a geometric illustration of the classical theoretical account. The particular characteristics of the theoretical account are: ( a ) Stimulus ( S ) = Demand ; Response ( R ) = Supply ( B ) Equilibrium ( E ) = Stimulus = Response ( degree Celsius ) Environmental Condition ( EC ) = Price ( vitamin D ) Accounting Concept ( AC ) = MerchandiseA Trial of the Validity of the ModelIf the classical theoretical account does be in accounting, the historical observations ( see table I ) should so bear testimony to its being. The grounds to back up this theoretical account is strictly historical. However, no analogue should be drawn between this thesis ( stimulus/Response ) and Toynbee ‘s ( 1946, 88 ) line of enquiry: â€Å" Can we state that the stimulation towards civilisation grows positively stronger in proportion as the environment grows more hard? † Consequently, the unfavorable judgment directed at his work should non be considered even remotely as applicable to this enquiry ( Walsh 1951, 164-169 ) .On the other manus, merely in the extreme can the accusal levelled at Kuhn [ 1962 ] be directed here, that the conceptual model ( classical theoretical account of accounting ) as presented â€Å" may subsume excessively many possibilities under a individual expr ession ( Buchner 1966, 137 ) . † More suitably, this survey is undertaken along the lines suggested by Einthoven ( 1973, 21 ) : Accounting has passed through many phases: These stages have been mostly the responses to economic and societal environments. Accounting has adapted itself in the past reasonably good to the altering demands of society. Therefore, the history of commercialism, industry and authorities is reflected to a big extent in the history of accounting. What is of paramount importance is to recognize that accounting, if it is to play a utile and effectual function in society, must non prosecute independent ends. It must go on to function the aims of its economic environment. The historical record in this connexion is really encouraging. Although accounting by and large has responded to the demands of its milieus, at times it has appeared to be out of touch with them. The intent of this line of enquiry is to set into position constructs which have emerged out of certain historical events. ( In this treatise, accounting constructs are considered to be meshing with accounting measuring and communicating procedures ; therefore, whenever the term construct is used herein, it is to be understood that accounting measuring and communicating procedures are subsumed under this header. ) These constructs jointly constitute, or at least suggest, a conceptual model of accounting. The classical theoretical account is postulated as follows: For any given environmental province, there is a given response map which maximizes the predominating socio-economic nonsubjective map. This response map can non predate the environmental stimulation but is predicated upon it ; when such response map is suboptimal, the so bing nonsubjective map will non be maximized. In a dysfunctional province, a province in which environmental stimulation is at a low degree – a degree below preexistent environmental stimulations, disequilibrium would result. In any given environment, the warranted response may be greater or less than the natural or existent response. When environmental stimulations cease to arouse response, so the socio-economic clime will be characterized by stagnancy as the least negative impact of disequilibrium conditions, and diminution when such environmental stimulations are countercyclical. Phase 1 – In this period, ( 1901 to 1920 ) the environmental stimulation was corporate policy of retaining a high proportion of net incomes [ ( Grant 1967, 196-197 ) ; ( Kuznets 1951, 31 ) ; ( Mills 1935, 361,386-187 ) ] . This period is the beginning of corporate capitalist economy. The term ‘corporate capitalist economy ‘ is used because it emphasizes the function in capital formation which corporations have ascribed to themselves. Hoarding of financess by corporations has reduced the function and importance of the primary equity securities market. The resource allotment procedure has been usurped by corporations ( Donaldson 1961, 51-52, 56-63 ) . The deduction of such a status is accentuated in the undermentioned statement: â€Å" It is the capital markets instead than intercede or consumer markets that have been absorbed into the substructure of the new type of corporation. † ( Rumelt 1974, 153 ) . The difficult empirical grounds of this status was revealed by several trials of the Linter Dividend Model, which maintains that dividends are a map of net income, and are adjusted to suit investing demands [ ( Kuh 1962, 48 ) ; ( Meyer and Kuh 1959, 191 ) ; ( Brittain 1966, 195 ) ; ( Dhrymes and Kurz 1967, 447 ) ] . Given the new function assumed by the corporation in capital formation, the investing community ( puting populace ) became concerned with the accounting measuring procedure. The accounting response was verifiability ( scrutinizing ) – to show the soundness of the subject. Productivity of bing measurings had to be verified to fulfill the investors and creditors. The Companies Act 1907 required the filing of an audited one-year balance sheet with the Registrar of Companies [ ( Freer 1977, 18 ) ; ( Edey and Panitpadki 1956, 373 ) ; ( Chatfield 1956, 118 ) ] . Therefore, scrutinizing became steadfastly established. The map of scrutinizing measurings is the procedure of reproduction of anterior accounting. Accounting is differentiated from other scientific subjects in this facet of reproduction. Replication is a necessary status in sound subjects ; nevertheless, reproduction is by and large undertaken in rare cases. In accounting, on the other manus, reproduction is undertaken really often for specified experiments – concern operations – at the completion of the experiments – concern ( runing ) rhythm. These experiments – concern operations, screen one twelvemonth ; at the terminal of the twelvemonth, the experiments are reconstructed on a sampling footing. Auditing is the procedure by which reproduction of accounting measurings are undertaken. Publicly held and some in private held corporations are required to supply audited one-year fiscal statements which cover their concern activities on an one-year footing. Phase 2- This period, ( 1921 to 1970 ) witnessed the support of corporate keeping policy. This status shifted the accent of the investor to concentrate on the Securities market in the hope of capital additions, because of the limited return on investing in the signifier of dividends. Indubitably, investors ‘ concern was shifted to market grasp through stock monetary value alterations reflecting the net incomes potency of the underlying securities ( Brown 1971, 36-37, 40-41, and 44-51 ) . With the securities market rating of a company ‘s portion ( equity ) inextricably linked to the net incomes per portion, the accent is placed on the kineticss of accounting as reflected in the income statement. The Companies Act of 1928 and 1929 explicitly reflect this accounting response by necessitating an income statement as a cardinal portion of a set of fiscal statements [ ( Freer 1977, 18 ) ; ( Chatfield 1974, 118 ) ] ; although an audit of such statement was non explicitly stipulated, it was implied. The accounting response of this period is extension of accounting revelation [ ( Chatfield 1974, 118 ) ; ( Blough 1974, 4-17 ) ] .The Wall Street Crash of 1929 and subsequent market failures constitutes the environmental stimulation. In the U.S.A. , the Securities Act of 1933 and so the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 were enacted, supplying for a important engagement of the authorities in accounting. Phase 3- This period is characterized by the societal consciousness that concern every bit good as authorities must be held socially accountable for their actions. Business can reassign certain costs to other sections of society, therefore concern benefits at the disbursal of society ; and authorities can non merely waste hard earned dollars but through its policies affect adversely the public assistance of assorted sections of society. This consciousness is epitomized in the thesis posited by Mobley [ 1970, 763 ] : â€Å" The engineering of an economic system imposes a construction on its society which non merely determines its economic activities but besides influences its societal wellbeing. Therefore, a step limited to economic effects is unequal as an assessment of the cause-effect relationships of the entire system ; it neglects the societal effects. † The environmental stimulation of corporate societal duty evoked the accounting response of socio-economic accounting – a farther extension of accounting revelation. The term socio-economic accounting gained prominence in 1970, when Mobley loosely defined it as â€Å" the ordination, mensurating and analysis of the societal and economic effects of governmental and entrepreneurial behavior. † Accounting revelation was to be expanded beyond its bing boundaries – beyond the normal economic effects â€Å" to include societal effects every bit good as economic effects which are non soon considered † ( Mob1ey 1970, 762 ) . Approachs to covering with the jobs of the extension of the systemic information are being attempted. It has been demonstrated that the accounting model is capable of bring forthing the drawn-out revelations on direction for public examination and ratings [ ( Charnels, Co1antoni, Cooper, and Kortanek 1972 ) ; ( Aiken, Blackett, Isaacs 1975 ) ] . However, many measuring jobs have been exposed in this hunt procedure for agencies to fulfill the systemic information demand of this new environmental stimulation [ ( Estes 1972, 284 ) ; ( Francis 1973 ) ] . Welfare economic sciences, as a subject, has ever been concerned with the societal effects of governmental and entrepreneurial actions, but the measuring and communicating jobs are, and ever have been that of the subject of accounting ( Linowes 1968 ; 1973 ) .The Conceptual Framework: A Continuing ProcedurePresented above, the stimulus/response model – exhibiting structural adequateness, internal consistence and instrumental pract icality – has demonstrated, unambiguously, its effectivity over the centuries. The systemic information of fiscal accounting is the connective tissue of clip in a fiscal position. The systemic information of managerial accounting is non-connective, but instead reflects events in a decision-making position. This can be best illustrated in the tabular array below:( Pull a tabular array )The procedure of concept-formation is a particular type of larning. The formation takes clip and requires a assortment of stimulations and supports. The procedure is ne'er to the full determinate for even when the construct is good, it can endure neglect or suppression and it can be revived by farther support or modified by new stimulation ( Emphasis added. ) ( Meredith ; 1966, 79-80 ) . A organic structure of constructs and meshing measuring and communicating procedures ( types of information – stocks and flows ; restraints on information – allowable values and methods of measurin g ; media of communicating – quantitative and qualitative ) has been developed over the centuries. This set of constructs and meshing measuring and communicating procedures has emerged as responses to specific stimulations at specific points in clip to fulfill specific information demands. It is this organic structure of constructs and meshing measuring and communicating procedures, which is capable to elaboration and alteration that constitutes the conceptual model of accounting. Possibly, with other alterations or elaborations deemed necessary, the conceptual model as presented above can function as an â€Å" expressly established model † to enable â€Å" preparers and hearers to do determinations, † which would conform and be upheld, â€Å" about accounting issues that are non specifically covered by FASB criterions or important literature. † A conceptual model is necessary because in the first topographic point, to be constructive, paradigm scene must develop and link to a reputable organic structure of perceptual experiences and aims. A badly developed theoretical lineation should ease the FASB to publish extra functional and dependable criterions in due class. A consistent set of rules and ordinances should be the result, since they would be constructed upon a similar footing. The model should augment financial statement users ‘ indulgence of and confidence in economic coverage, and it has to better comparison amongst companies ‘ financial studies. Second, latest and emerging realistic jobs ought to be more quickly unravelled by mention to an bing lineation of cardinal guess. It is complicated, if non impracticable, for the FASB to urge the appropriate accounting action quickly for fortunes like this. Accountants in pattern, however, ought to decide such efforts on a everyday footing. With the application of first-class finding of fact and with the facilitation of a normally acknowledged conceptual scaffold, practicians may dispatch certain options quickly and so center their attending on a tolerable dealing. Over the old ages assorted associations, committees, and concerned individuals developed and printed their personal theoretical models. However, no peculiar model was nem con acknowledged and relied on practically. Identifying the necessity for a normally acknowledged construction, the FASB in 1976 initiated attempt to build a conceptual construction that would perchance be a foundation for puting book-keeping rules and for accommodating financial coverage dissensions. The FASB has given out six Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts that recount to pecuniary coverage for commercialism strategies. These include: 1, â€Å" Aims of Financial Reporting by Business Enterprises, † that presents aims and purposes of book-keeping. 2, â€Å" Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information, † that inspects the descriptions that make book-keeping information helpful. 3, â€Å" Elementss of Financial Statements of Business Enterprises, † that offer descriptions of objects in economic statements, for case, grosss, assets, disbursals and liabilities. 4, â€Å" Recognition and Measurement in Financial Statements of Business Enterprises, † that lays down simple recognition and dimension criterions and way on the sort of information that should be officially integrated into economic averments and at what clip. 5, â€Å" Elementss of Financial Statements, † which substitutes figure 3 and increases its extent to consist non-profit institutes.6, â€Å" Using Cash Flow Information and Present Value in Accounting Measurements, † that gives a construction for utilizing likely outlooks of hard currency flows and outline rules as a foundation for measuring.The figure below is an overview of the conceptual model.( Diagram )In the initial phase, the intents classify the aspirations and principle of book-keeping. Ideally, book-keeping rules developed with conformity to a theoretical construction will upshot in book-keeping studies that are excess helpful. At the subsequent phase are the qualitative descriptions that make book-keeping information functional and the necessities of pecuniary study, that is, liabilities, assets, among others. In the 3rd phase are the dimension and acknowledgment perceptual experiences employed in instituting and impacting book-keeping rules. These constructs include guesss, political orientations, and limitations that illustrate the current coverage ambiance.First Degree : Basic GoalsThe major ends of pecuniary coverage are to give information which is: ( 1 ) . Helpful to those concerned with the creative activity of nest eggs and recognition judgement and have a reasonable perceptual experience of commercialism and fiscal public presentation. ( 2 ) . Useful to current and prospective moneymans, creditors, every bit good as other users in estimating the measures, cases, and ambiguity of prospective hard currency flows and ( 3 ) . Concerns fiscal capital, claims to such ownerships, and the accommodations in them. The ends accordingly, get down with a wide concern sing information that is valuable to moneyman and creditor appraisals. That apprehensiveness constricts to the moneymans ‘ and creditors ‘ concern in the mentality of accepting hard currency from their investings or credits to commerce ventures. Ultimately, the ends centre on the pecuniary declarations that provide information utile in the appraisal of prospective hard currency f lows to the concern endeavor. This promotion is known as judgement effectivity. It has been said that the aureate regulation is the cardinal message in many faiths and the remainder is amplification. Similarly, determination utility is the message of the conceptual model and the remainder is elaboration. In giving information to users of pecuniary studies, all-purpose fiscal statements are prepared. These studies give the most helpful information feasible at negligible outgo to diverse consumer groups. Principal to these ends is the construct that consumers require logical familiarity of commercialism and economic book-keeping issues to grok the facts contained in economic studies. This fact is indispensable. It implies that in the basis of pecuniary statements, a phase of rational proficiency on the portion of consumers can be alleged. This has an consequence on the method and the range to which information is accounted for.Second Degree: Cardinal ConceptsThe aims of the first degree are concerned with the intents and purposes of book-keeping. Between the 2nd and 3rd degrees, it is indispensable to give peculiar theoretical building blocks that elucidate the qualitative descript ions of book-keeping cognition and depict the necessities of pecuniary studies. These theoretical building blocks outline a connexion affecting the why of book-keeping ( the ends ) and the how of book-keeping ( acknowledgment and capacity ) .Qualitative Descriptions of Book-keeping FactsDeciding on a suited accounting technique, the measure and sorts of facts to be revealed, and the layout in which information ought to be presented entails set uping which option provides the most helpful information for appraisal devising purposes ( judgment convenience ) . The FASB has recognized the qualitative descriptions of book-keeping facts that differentiate enhanced ( excess valuable ) facts from substandard ( less valuable ) facts for assessment creative activity purposes. Additionally, the FASB has acknowledged peculiar limitations ( â€Å" cost-benefit and materiality † ) as a constituent of the conceptual construction. The descriptions might be analysed as a hierarchy.Assessment Godheads ( Users ) and UnderstandabilityThe shapers of opinion differ extensively in the nature of appraisals they formulate, the manner they formulate these appraisals, the facts they already have and any other relevant information that they may get from their ain sure beginnings, and their aptitude to treat the facts. For cognition to be helpful at that place ought to be a correlativity ( relationship ) affecting these consumers and the judgement they create. This connexion, comprehensibility, is the distinction of facts that authorizes realistically knowing users to separate its intension. To show the significance of this connexion ; suppose that IBM Corp. gives a three-month ‘ income statement ( interim statement ) that illustrates impermanent income manner down. This statement gives appropriate and reliable facts for assessment creative activity purposes. A figure of users, upon rating of the statement, choose to retail their stock. While others do non grok the content an d importance of the study, they are astonished when IBM proclaims a lesser year-end portion and the worth of the stock turns down. Therefore, even though the facts presented were extremely appropriate and consistent, it was ineffectual to those who did non grok it.Prime Qualities: Dependability and RelevanceImportance and dependableness are the two major virtuousnesss that make book-keeping information helpful for appraisal devising. As assured in FASB Concepts Statement No. 2, â€Å" the qualities that distinguish ‘better ‘ ( more utile ) information from ‘inferior ‘ ( less utile ) information are chiefly the qualities of relevancy and dependability, with some other features that those qualities imply. † To be pertinent, book-keeping information should be adept to doing a differentiation in a judgement. If peculiar facts have no bearing on a declaration, it is inappropriate to that finding of fact. Relevant facts assist users formulate anticipations s ing the concluding consequence of case in point, current, and expected events ; explicitly, it has analytical significance. Relevant facts besides assist users verify or correct old chances ; it encloses feedback significance. Book-keeping information is reliable to the grade that it is certified, is a trusty illustration, and is practically deficient errors, mistakes and fondness. Reliability is a demand for individuals who have neither the clip nor the proficiency to measure the accurate content of the information. Verifiability is confirmed when crowned head measurers, by agencies of indistinguishable measuring techniques, achieve consequences that are similar.Secondary Qualities: Comparison and ConsistencyInformation about an endeavor is more utile if it can be compared with similar information about another endeavor ( comparison ) and with similar information about the same endeavor at other points in clip ( consistence ) . Information that has been calculated and accounted for in an correspondent attack for diverse endeavors is said to be comparable. Comparison allows users to acknowledge the echt resemblance and differentiation in fiscal happenings because these fluctuations and comparings have non been disguised by the use of non-comparable. When a unit pertains the similar book-keeping handling to comparable events, from clip to clip, the unit is said to be consistent in its application of book-keeping rules. It does non bespeak that corporations can non alter from one technique of book-keeping to a different one. Companies can set techniques, but the accommodations are constrained to fortunes in which it can be established that the late implemented system is preferred to the old.Essential BasicssAn imperative characteristic of developing any conjectural construction is the organic structure of cardinal elements or descriptions to be incorporated in the constellation. Soon, book-keeping utilizations legion looks that have characteristic and precise in dications. These footings compose the linguistic communication of commercialism or the slang of book-keeping. One of these footings is plus. It is necessary to widen cardinal descriptions for the necessities of pecuniary statements. The 10 interconnected elements that are by and large straight connected to measuring the public presentation and economic significance of a undertaking ; assets, equity, liabilities, grosss, investing by proprietors, disbursals, distribution to proprietors, additions, comprehensive income, and losingss. The FASB categorizes the necessities into two typical groups. The initial group of three basicss ( assets, equity and liabilities ) , explains sums of capital and claims to ownerships at an case. The last seven necessities ( inclusive income and its components- disbursals, grosss, additions, and losses-in add-on to nest eggs by owners and distributions to owners ) explain traffics, proceedings, and conditions that influence an endeavor over a period of clip. The initial class is distorted by rudimentss of the subsequent class and at any clip is the corporate result of all accommodations. This relation is known as â€Å" articulation † to be precise, cardinal facts in one study maintain up a correspondence to balances or equilibrium in another.Third Phase: Acknowledgment and Measurement ModelsThe 3rd phase of the construction consists of perceptual experiences that implements the indispensable aims of phase one. These perceptual experiences explicate which, what clip, and how p ecuniary basicss and processs should be acknowledged, calculated, and reported by the book-keeping system. With conformity to â€Å" Recognition and Measurement in Financial Statements of Business Enterprises ( SFAC No. 5 ) † , to be documented, an article ( happening or concern trade ) should run into the description of an â€Å" component of fiscal statements † as distinguishable in SFAC No. 6 and should be quantifiable. Most features of modern pattern are dependable with this recognition and measurement theoretical account. The book-keeping profession supports on to utilizing the perceptual experiences in SFAC No. 5 as working steering rules. There are four indispensable guesss that underlie the economic book-keeping composing: ( 1 ) .Economic unit predication which means that fiscal action can be acknowledged with a specific unit of duty, ( 2 ) .Going concern whereby the concern venture will hold an extended being or life span, ( 3 ) . Monetary entity assumption-implies that hard currency is the cosmopolitan denominator of fiscal action and gives a suited foundation for book-keeping measuring and probe and ( 4 ) . Periodicity assumption-implies that the fiscal public presentation of a undertaking can be separated into unreal clip interludes. These clip periods differ, but the most familiar are monthly, quarterly, and yearly. The four basic rules of accounting are used to enter minutess: historical or chronological cost, gross sensing, matching, and full revelation.DecisionAccounting is a systemic information scientific discipline. Its map is to fulfill the demands for particularised information within a given environment . Such environment is a province of being in an unfastened system/ society. When such demands are satisfied by the systemic information, the system will see homeostasis – a steady province of being. Bing that the environment is within an unfastened system, it is capable to external influences which can and make upset the bing homeostasis. Due to perturbations, the steady province will no longer exist ; the system is so in a province of turbulency. The bing systemic information does no longer fulfill the demands of the environment. This environmental alteration ( alteration in the province of being in the unfastened system ) is effectuated by a certain stimulation or stimulation which generates a need satisfaction response. Bing that the system is unfastened, the response is non automatic and when affected, it is non needfully allow. The system, nevertheless, will non return to homeostasis until such clip as the warranted response, to set the bing systemic information to correspond to the new demand created by the stimulation or stimulation, is generated. The accounting conceptual model is characterized by a stimulus/response web in which a stimulation evokes a response. No response can predate a stimulation. For the demand satisfaction of the systemic information to be restored subsequent to a alteration precipitated by a stimulation, each response must fulfill three conditions: 1 ) . It must be adequately suited to the construction of the systemic information. 2 ) . It must be consistent with the bing internal constituents ( antecedently generated warranted responses ) of the systematic information. 3 ) It must fulfill the practical demands as imposed by the stimulation. The systemic information of accounting is of two dimensions: fiscal and managerial. Each dimension satisfies a different demand within the environment. Neither any of the two can presume the function of the other. They both contain their ain intrinsic belongingss, which overlap. However, their extrinsic belongingss which are conditioned by their intrinsic belongingss are rather different. Even though the conceptual model is being criticized by many, there are no any clear evidences to back up this claims. The much we know is non of relevancy towards the issue of accounting but instead what we conceive to be true. This is the point of position shared by tonss of comptrollers and pupils in the subject, on affairs associating to the conceptual foundations of accounting.